
Wives who have changed: How is it possible to only have 3 times a month with your husband?

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I read it over and over, men saying their wife's only satisfy them 3 times a month, 2 times a is that possible? How do you lay in bed with the man you love every night and not do anything for whole month? I don't get it? Does the change of life make it like this? Is their anything to prevent it? Seriously, how is this possible.




  1. I don't know I know there are times when I just think about us laying to gether and I want him . . if I only had s*x 3 times a month I would be a raving monster full of frustration . .  

  2. I have been with my husband for 13 years and I still cannot keep my hands off of him.

    But - what keeps me attracted to him is his devotion, willingness to spend quality time with me, help around the house and most importantly - he is my BEST friend and a great father.

    When a marriage starts lacking partnership, compassion and understanding, the spouse will not feel the desire to have s*x.

  3. you can be very tired at times and also if you have children they could suck out all ur energy

  4. It's possible when they work and you work and they spend their days off relaxing and you spend your days off cleaning up after them, the kids, the dog, the cat, company, etc...I personally do not want to do without the pleasure week after week, but I have.  Unfortunately life changes alot of things in the bedroom and it sometimes makes a woman feel like a robot instead of a woman.

  5. from my own personal experience...i'm just so freakin tired by the end of the day that i just want to go to sleep!!!  most women are the ones who have to do and worry about everything during the husband leaves at 5:30 in the morning to go to work. i get up at 5:30 to start the day. i get the kids ready--feeding, dressing, hygeine, etc. then i cart them off to school so i can go to work all day and come home to make dinner and clean or whatever needs to be done. i'm not saying that he doesn't help me in the evenings, because he does, but by the time the kids are in bed i am mentally and physically exhausted and the last thing i want to do is be awake for another hour "playing around".  anyway we do try for 2-3 times/wk, but sometimes it is less; it definitely has nothing to do with how much i love him!!!

  6. ok well first of all you are generalizing.  Because not every married couple is like that.  My husband is in the military and sometimes he is away for long periods of time but that doesn't change anything between us.  you have to be committed to your relationship and you both have to want the same things.  You just wait until you're married, have kids , pets, a household to take care of and you'll see how difficult it can be to make time for each other.  You really have to work at it.  you're going to be exhausted and understand why sometimes you don't always want to be doing something every night of the week.

  7. Those womens husbands aren't satisfying them, more than likely, or else they'd do it more. I never refuse cause my man knows what hes doing and knows how to please me, and vice versa. People tend to forget that s*x is a two way thing, its mutual and it'll happen a lot more regularly if both people are enjoying it. Selfish lovers are the problem for lack of s*x.

    They may blame their partner but really they should be looking at themselves.

    Hope this helps

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