
Wives/women. If you were to cheat behind your husbands back, would you leave him for the other man???

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Just merely curious! Thanks




  1. It depends what I feel for the other man...If I loved the other man, but I didn't love my husband anymore and I know that the other man loves me too, than ofcourse I would leave my husband.

    If on the other hand I feel nothing for the other man, but it was just s*x and a one time thing, then I wouldn't leave my husband.

    If this recurrs though, I would leave my husband, it wouldn't be right for both of us to be married while I sleep with other men when I feel like it.

  2. No idea, the idea of cheating is about as possible to me as me having a male s*x change.

    I suppose the answer is, if you love the affair then I guess you will leave the husband, who knows I dont do s*x outside of my relationship.

  3. I would leave my husband if i cheated on him. probably not for the other man but just for the sheer fact that if i cheated in the first place, i obviously do not care much for that marriage and i also would not do my husband the disservice of being married to a Sl*ut as he deserves better than that.

  4. Some women do. But me i wouldnt i would stay with him but i am very different from other women. Me and my husband were going threw some things and he was talking to other women well i cheated and told him about it he wanted nothing to do with me. I no what i did was a huge mistake i never cheated before in my life and it hurt me just as much thinking why did i do this and how can i fix it and how could i hurt some one so much? So once i did it i swore to myself i would never do it again and i wont now he went and had s*x with another women and when i found out i asked him and he denied it well i kinda did something to get him mad and confront me about it. So he told me he did and i was like since we both are doing our own thing and you keep pushing me away im done. it was way more to the story then that but its way to long to tell lol so i left him and once he realized it was really over and i wasnt gunna stick around while he went out with other girls he started to beg for me back and call every day text me and email me. We are no longer together and im with some one who is so much better. Hoped i helped good luck.

  5. no!!! if i have to cheat, i rather just divorce and s***w whoever i want to.

  6. IF i were a cheater, which i never could be, never would want to be either, but IF i were, it would depend on my reasons for wanting to cheat.. if it was simply because i wanted s*x and wasnt getting any at home, but everything else was good, no i prolly wouldnt leave because i would have my cake and eat it too - if i got emotionally involved with another man, then it would mean that emotionally i am missing something at home and the relatioship has deteriorated past the point of help, so yes, i would leave.. i prolly would have left tho, before i cheated!

  7. Most don't, cuz they cheat for an ego boost.

  8. Honestly I think that marriage is forever. You need to make sure that is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with before you take that step! If you're cruel enough to cheat you shouldn't be married in the first place (or even dating for that matter). Even though I don't believe in cheating I think if you do you just need to be honest with your husband and tell them what happened, then pack your bags and say that he deserves better so you're going to let him have that chance and leave! Because even if he forgives then he'll probably feel betrayed and like you're untrustworthy for the rest of the marriage.

  9. I would NEVER cheat on my husband. If I felt the urge and I couldn't control myself then I would leave DH and go see a therapist to figure out what the h**l is wrong with me and my marriage so much so that I felt an overwhelming desire to have s*x with someone else and was willing to traumatize my hubby and wreck my home.

  10. If I were married, and felt the need to cheat, I would leave my husband first, because its not fair, to have my cake and eat it too, lets say I cheat and it doesn't work out with the affair, I could just fall back on my plan B (husband) which would be pretty shallow.

  11. the old me did do that.the older me now better now.

  12. No.

  13. Some women do and some women don't.  

    I personally would not cheat.  I would leave my husband before I started another relationship.

  14. There is more to this than curiosity. I wouldn't cheat. But I'm assuming if they are willing to cheat, then they are not to concerned with staying with their spouse. Yes, they could cheat and leave.

  15. I'm not a cheater, but if it ever did occur, i would not leave my husband for another man. He is my best friend and we would be able to talk through it before anything like that even happened.

  16. Most women do not.

  17. If I had the urge to cheat, I would leave my guy first - I would never, ever hurt him like that.

  18. If someone cheats, it just depends on why they are cheating.  Just because they are cheating, doesn't mean they are going to leave there husband or wife.

  19. if i were a cheater, i wouldn't be married.

  20. I guess it depends on what type of person the other man is.  If he is better for me then yes.  

  21. Most people don't just ask this question because they are curious. If you do not want to be with your guy anymore than leave. I can say that it's your life and you or whoever do what you want to do but watch out for getting hurt in the end by one or both. It is possible that things will turn out happy in the end but not always. Do the smart thing and leave the person you don't want to be with and then no one is a cheater.

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