
Wivestales or Has anybody proven this true?

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Ive heard girls kick way more inside the womb and boys dont. Has anybody experienced this? Im 5 months and i only feel little kicks, nothing big at all, and ive heard "OH ITS A BOY THEN" lol i find out what im having tomorrow, i just want to know if thats happend to anybody and its been true?




  1. Well according to the sonographer my baby is a boy (though I dont believe it 100%) and he is kicking a LOT. I don't remember if my daughter kicked more or not as it was too long ago.

  2. No, that is definitely not true.  My son kicked like a footballer during the last four months of my pregnancy and when I compared with my sister (who has only girls) she said they kicked but not that badly.   I guess it just depends on the baby, not the gender.  Good luck!

  3. I have had 3 boys and 2 girls (and I am 28.4 weeks pregnant with number 6 (a surprise)) - honestly I have never noticed either s*x was more active.

    My only observation is that when they are in breech position it hurts a lot more when they move!

  4. I can't give you a great comparison, because I'm pregnant with my first. Its a girl and she is EXTREMELY active and has been since I was about 9 weeks (saw her on ultrasound). I started feeling flutters at 12 weeks, but they got very regular at 14-15 weeks. And now I'm 27 weeks, and she is hardly ever still. A friend of mine also had a girl, and she moved quite a bit too. My aunt had two boys, but I can't remember how much they moved. I don't remember ever really getting to feel them kick or anyone making a big deal out of feeling it, so I don't think they moved too much - but I could be wrong as they weren't in my belly :) That is actually the first time I've ever heard that wives tale, come to think of it! Good luck!

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