
Wjhat if sometimes youy think? that there are alians?

by  |  earlier

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i meam do they ecsist in ur opinyion?




  1. Srsly, lern to tipe!

  2. If you write a sensible question, I'll give you a sensible answer.

  3. "Wjhat if sometimes youy think? that there are alians?

    i meam do they ecsist in ur opinyion?"

    What if sometimes you think... that there are aliens? I mean do they exist in you opinion?

    Do aliens exist in your opinion?

    I'm thinking you did the whole misspelling thing on purpose, lol.

    I think they exist. The universe is very big. When it comes to the scale of the universe chance becomes certainty. I don't believe aliens have ever visited Earth. The distances between stars is too great and the laws of physics puts an insurmountable wall around us and any other civilization with the gall to expand and learn.

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