
WlTO talks have collapsed?

by  |  earlier

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So the question to ask here is are Ireland going to get the blame again. We had the EU commissioner say That the IFA (Irish farmers Association) nearly caused her to have a heart attack.

Did this sound like the EU are trying to pin the blame for it falling on Ireland? Since we are the EU whipping boys right now over Lisbon and now it seems they wish to blame us for the WTO collapse?




  1. I hope the Irish farmers, and other interested parties stand up for what they believe in, and do not bend to the bullying tactics that will be used by the proponents.

  2. Isn't it amazing how little this is being reported on the news channels? Lots of news about Amy Winehouse and her allergies, and "Child rescued from car driven by drunk mother" and "Schoolgirl wins right to wear Sikh bracelet".

    Nothing ever changes.

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