
Wladimir Klishcko vs Mike Tyson (both in their primes and please explain)?

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In the past there would have been no debate as to who would have won but lately i have been reading some very curious opinions on this issue, what are your thoughts?




  1. Tyson

  2. The 1988 version of Tyson would run through Klitschko like a tornado.

    Klitschko likes to keep the pace slow and his opponents at a distance.  Tyson from '88 was too fast for that.  He would bob and weave his way in and fire hooks to the big man's head and body.  And you know Wlad doens't like to get hit.  So when Tyson would get inside, you would see Wlad panic, and that is exactly what Tyson wants!!!  

    Tyson's head movement from his prime years would have made him a difficult target so Wlad's reach advantage wouldn't mean much and Tyson would slip and counter the jab on his way inside.

    Watch Wlad's KO loss to Corrie Sanders and just substitute Tyson in there for Sanders and you will see pretty much the same thing.

  3. tyson would have bewildered klitschko with a two fisted attack (the kevin rooney tyson that is), and  staying in close so vlad can't get leverage into his shots...finishing vlad off in 5 rounds.

  4. Klitshko is of course the bigger man with the reach advantage and actually is a pretty good boxer.  His major weakness is his chin and that would be his downfall against the vicious punching Tyson.  His only real chance would be to keep Mike on the outside of his jab the entire fight but I don't really believe that would happen.  Tyson is faster and at his very best, was great at getting inside of an opponents reach, then firing vicious punches particularly uppercuts.  I believe that Klitschko would wisely try to box Tyson and would tie him up on the inside in an attempt to frustrate him.  This would work for about 4-5 rounds.  Finally in round 6, Mike would land some bombs to the weak chinned Klitschko and send him to the canvas where he would be counted out.

  5. Hi there Erick! First of all it should be stated that Tyson's handler's would try to avoid this fight if they could. If they were in a position where they were "forced" to fight Wlad, I would keep my eyes and ears open a few weeks before the fight. A news report would be released out of camp Tyson, that Mike suffered an unfortunate "injury" while sparring. Nothing career threatening of course. But it would be something that would force the promoters to "Postpone" the fight. This would then buy camp Tyson time for either Klitschko to get upset by someone or for Tyson's legal team to discover a loophole in the fight contract. If all else failed, and the fight was even on the eve of taking place, Mike would stage various "press conference antics" in a last ditch attempt to show that he may be "Unstable" This last roll of the dice would be a effort by team Tyson to worry Wlad that he may be fighting a loose cannon. It would also give him a "circumstancial" event that Tyson supporters could point too if he "lost it" and got disqualified. It must also be rumored that Mike is having "personal and psychlogical problems. That  gives Tyson supporters the chance to parrot their ALL TIME FAVORITE SAYING for everytime Tyson loses which always is "What you gotta understand is, mike just wasn't right that night". To a Tyson follower, Mike is NEVER "right" when he loses. When he lost to Douglas they said "What you gotta understand is Mike didn't have his head on straight". When he lost to Holyfield, they said " What you gotta understand is Mike didn't train right". When he lost to Holyfield the 2nd Time they said "What you gotta understand is Mike got headbutted". When he lost to Lewis they said "What you gotta understand is Mike needed a couple more warm up fights". You can always count on 2 things with Tyson.

    1. He will always try to get out of fighting great opponents, and if he can't, team Tyson will "set up" a built in excuse in advance, wheather it be an injury or a psychological or personal problem.

    2. Tyson drones will ALWAYS parrot the excuse when he loses. "What you gotta understand is Mike just wasn't right that night".


    The bell MIRACULOUSLY sounds. Mike Tyson shoots out of his corner and charges Wlad throwing the "kitchen sink" at him in the first 30 seconds in a desperate attempt to connect with a home run to Wlad's "suspect" chin. Most of Tyson's "bombs" however are wide, telegraphed, looping shots that either bounce off of Wlad's shoulder or miss Wlad entirely. Tyson connects with one big one however and the Tyson supporters cheer under the delusion of grandeur that Klitschko is somehow Bruce Seldon about to take a "Don King" dive. No such luck. After a long clinch, Wlad pushes the small, undersized man back. Tyson misses with a few more lunges, but this time he runs in to a very stiff jab. Tyson stops lunging. Wlad jabs him a few more hard stiff ones as round 1 ends. This trend continues in rounds 2, 3, and 4. Tyson trys to bob and weave, but his flatfooted motions are easily timed by Wlad who continues to feed him the stick. In the fifth round Wlad begins to "Open up" a little. He starts to incorporate his ominous right hand in to the contest. Tyson's head snaps back but Mike continues to try to move forward which is getting harder and harder. Late in the sixth Wlad opens up a bad cut over Tyson's left eye. Tyson pleads with the referee and tries to convince him that the 6 foot 6 inch giant somehow "intentionally headbutted" him. The plea doesn't work. In the seventh an angry Tyson assaults Wlad with a spirited body attack to try to "cut the giant down". But Tyson soon finds that getting close to Wlad may be just worse than before. Following a good left to Wlad's ribs from Tyson, Wlad unleashes a wicked uppercut that shoots directly up through a peek a boo defense that is particularly weak against that punch. Tyson wobbles. Wlad then unloads another thunderous right hand. Tyson turns and falls to one knee. The referee begins to count. Tyson is up at 7 and the refferee signals for the action to continue. Wlad comes in to follow up, but the bell sounds ending round 7. Tyson's corner works feverishly on the cut but it seems to be getting worse. The ring doctor checks on Mike but is going to let the fight continue. Wlad comes out looking fresh in round 8 expecting to meet Tyson head on. However the Tyson that slowly emerges from the corner is now tetative. It is apparent that Tyson has retreated in to "The Shell". Wlad begins to stick the hard jab at Tyson again and again and again. Then with less than a minute to go in roun 8 Wlad lands a monstrous right hand that catapults Tyson against the ropes. Wlad begins to pound Mike with lefts and rights. Just as the referee is contimplating stopping the bout, Tyson bends in to one last uppercut from Wlad that bounces him against the ropes again followed by a left. The referee is about to move in when Wlad drops the final HAMMER. A THUNDEROUS RIGHT. An unconscious Tyson falls face first hard to the canvas. The ref doesn't even bother to count. He waves the fight off and immediately summons the doctors as he cradles the small fighter's head. The next several minutes are tense and scary. But finally. Mike gets up on his own power. A relieved Klitschko does his interview with Larry Merchant as a battered Tyson is assisted to the dressing room. In the end it was TYSON'S CERAMIC CHIN and his lack of skill and courage that could not handle this fight with a superior specimen. Vitali is also there to congragulate his little brother on a well fought victory.

    The next day, the "rumor' on the street is that Tyson had been suffering from "depression" and "personal problems" leading up to the bout and just wasn't  focused. They point of course to to the "psychotic breakdown" at the press conference as evidence that Tyson was not mentally there. The rumbling is it would have been "different" had Mike's "head been on straight". Then all Tyson drones say in unison as ALWAYS, "What you gotta understand is that Mike was just not RIGHT ON THAT NIGHT"! If he was himself he would have blown away Wlad in the first round! .................And once again the constant itellectually lazy denial of Tyson drones.......sadly continues.

  6. tyson would of handed klitsko his big *** i hear klitso is 6 ft 6 thats why he would beat tyson there have been big heavyweights like klitsko before and theyve been beaten by smaller men klitsko cant fight if you seen him look at him what a joke hes beaten all bums and has had trouble with some of them his most notable fighter was lennox lewis who was at the end of his career and still stopped klitsko on cuts so what if he rocked lewis he wasnt the first one klitsko cuts easy also he always bleeds tyson would of hit him on the chin and klitsko would of went to sleep say size all you want if you cant fight your going to get hit tysons hitting power would of kod him tyson crouching would of made it hard for klitsko who fights standing straight up to land a good puch tyson had much faster hand speed he would of hit him on the chin he would of also beat on klitskos body and klitsko would of fell and if some of you idiots think that klitsko would of beat tyson keep dreaming say size all you want or im a racist which by the way im white alot of stupid no knowedge idiots up here who havent got a clue look at the state of the heavyweight divison you jackasses when some of you are calling klitsko a speciaman you must be dumb

  7. Is this the same fighter that got sparked in one by a has been boxer from down under.if it is do not ask silly questions

  8. I dont think the fight would more than a round or two. If were talking about Klitschko in his prime, you have to remember that he or no one else knew that he a had a glass jaw. Wlad always has problems getting away from fast starters, i think he would use his jab to keep Tyson at a distance for about half a round or so. Tyson would use his awesome head movement to work his way in, but Klitschko's height would give Tyson problems and make him leap in. There would be more than a few clinches because of this, that is why i say a round or two. Because this is the night that a prime Klitschko finds out that he has a chin made of glass. Tyson's defense and constant pressure would be too much for Klitschko to handle and one of those classic Tyson uppercuts would find its place, and then 3 successive punches after that would end the night early.

  9. Tyson would have wiped the floor with Klitschko.

    Reasons are that he was quicker, more dynamic, and generally just faster than Klitschko. Tyson would not have stood stationery in front of Klitschko like Thomson was doing and exchange jabs, he'd be weaving, you'd see more head movement and delivering combo's and that's what would have given Klitschko problems.

  10. Klishcko would dominate. Tyson never beat any skilled fighters.

  11. In order to beat Mike Tyson, you need 5 basic criteria:

    1: durable chin:  Tyson is going to land strong shots no matter how tight your defense is.

    2: good defense:  a fighter has to limit the volume of big shots he takes

    3: enough power: a fighter has to keep Tyson honest

    4: endurance: take Tyson into the later rounds when his power is diminished

    5: confidence:  Tyson never beat a guy that was unafraid

    Klits may have criteria 3 & 4, but not 1,2 & 5

    Klits would be overwhelmed almost immediately, without the chin and defense to remain upright.  He matches up better against less aggressive, less powerful fighters in which he can find ways to beat.  He doesn't have a swiss-army-knife of boxing tools to cope with different situations against different fighters.

  12. In their primes I would have to go with Tyson......Don't be surprised because I have been one of his biggest critics but Wlad fights too straight up and his style is taylor made for Tyson. Klishcko has a "Glass Jaw"! I think a prime Tyson would scare Wlad and that would cause him to be taken out by Tyson's signature combo power shot; the right hook to the body(step to his left), followed by that right uppercut, then the left hook! Tyson by KO in the 6th!

  13. this wouldnt even have been a contest. Tyson would have ran over Klitschko.

    Klishcko is a very nice, bright classy guy, but not the level that Tyson was in his prime. Not by a long shot.

    Greg Jackson

    Tigard, OR

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