
Wny can't I get help? I have no water and no will will help. My husband is handicapped & its all on me. I need

by  |  earlier

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$2400 to fix the plumbing leak under my mobile home & $1900 to pay my water bill. Why won't anyone help me? I don't have children so I cant get welfare help. I just got done watching extreme make over where they helped a family about 10 minutes from me. They have over 100 acres of land, & have quite a bit of money. Why do they get over $300,000 in the form of a new house & new barn. When I can't even get someone to help me with $5000. I work 18 hours a day & barely make $50 most days. Im tired. I just need a little bit of help.




  1. sounds like you need to get a new job..

  2. Don't know what your husbands handicap is, but don't you qualify for State Aid.  And how in the h**l did you accumulate a$1,900 water bill?  My water bill is under $25.00 a month.  To make only $50.00 for 18 hours of work, that's only $2.77 an hour.  You could work at McDonalds and at least get minumum wage.  You could have saved a few bucks by not purchasing your computer.  Sounds like you need a different job that will generate a little more income for you.

  3. 18 hours a day for 50 dollars is only 2.77 per hour, so yes you need to get a new job. Even if you make 100 per day you are still not at minimum wage.

    I don't know about water, but I have applied for electrical assistance before, maybe there are similar programs for water.

    If you're renting then the landlord needs to fix your mobile home, if you own you should start searching for homeowners assistance. You could also consider selling and moving to a rental unit, that way they will be responsible for the repairs.

    Good luck!

  4. I'm sorry that you are in this situation.  I don't know what it is you do as employment, but earing $2.77 an hour is not legal and you should with everything vested in you, find a new job! Many families find themselves in your position, which I know does not console you, but the reality is that you will have to help yourself, or try to seek help from a charity or community help centre.  Living the way you do is not okay, not if you are working that much only to be in a situation where you can't afford to fix your water.  Is your husband liable for welfare as he is handicapped?  I know America ( assuming you are American) does have policies to assist your husband and your family unit.  Go to your local welfare office and grill them about anything at all they can help you with, even if it is just food stamps etc.  Please try to find other employment, that is most important to your quality of life and future financial status.  You'd get paid more as a waitress.

  5. I dont really kn ow what to say - I live in UK and this would not be allowed to happen - I have friends in USA so know you have problems like this but surely there must be somewhere that can help you - could you not become your husbands carer and get paid as they do over here as to the water?  how on earth are you coping that's sounds like a lot of water to me - if your are renting the mobile its up to the landlord if not go see your neighbours who got the makeover and see how they got it.   Good luck

  6. I know your stressed and in a way I understand.People are thoughtless sometimes in their answers.Sometimes you only make 50 after taxes or if you are waitresses and tips are c**p due to roadwork ect. You do work 18 hours everyday because you have to care for your husband and work your job.Its easy to see why you are exhausted.Im sorry Im poor too and everytime i watch makeover Im happy for them but I think why so much for one house? They could make two homes repaired and very comfortable instead they knock down a home and build a mansion.We dont all want mansions just something adequate.Its so hard.If I had it I would give it to you but all I can do is say a prayer for you.Try calling salvation army,also habitat for humanity may have some ideas really I know some churchs do repairs now and then things like leaky roofs or shoveling snow.Just keep trying .Dont give up. Its so hard to ask for help but check out freecycle in your community.Maybe if you could get the things you need free like pipes or what have you, you could get the labor donated by someone else.I saw a woman on there the other week who was trying to turn a shed into a home for her schizophrenic brother.And she would ask for some boards one day,another day some cinder blocks,yet another day she asked for a woodstove and a bed,then a carpet remnant.She eventually had a little home out of the cold for him.She found him living on the street. Thats what caused her to do that. Dont give up.

  7. Perhaps you can appeal to a local church, perhaps they have a member that will donate his services to you.  AS far as paying such a high water bill, I don't know where you could get help.  Did a pipe break?  I can't imagine such a high bill, is the break in the cities pipes or the pipes in your house.  

    If you are renting the land from a mobile home park, perhaps the landlord is responsible for broken pipes under ground.

  8. Making less then $50 an hour is not an every day thing. Some days I make $100, some days I make  $50, some days I make less. I work as an IC from home to take care of my husband. Welfare wont help because they tell me to apply for Disability for hubby and that  has been pending for over a year. Yes I am american. I just dont understand why the hard working poor cant get help but those that dont need it that badly and have over 100 acres of land get it so easily. The water bill is $1900 for 3 months. We get billed every 3 months. Its that high because I didnt know that there was a leak until the town came and shut me off. As far as my computer goes, Ive had this computer for 3 years and we havent always been this poor. I came here to vent and maybe get some ideas. Im so fed up I just want to die. Thanks for making it better!

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