
WoW Auction vs. selling to vendors?

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Hello all! I am fairly new to World of Warcraft but I keep hearing about selling items at the Auction House to earn money. But I have not used it at all as I have been going to, say, a general vendor and right clicking on the items to have them pay me. It seems easy. What is the difference? Can I make more money by instead taking it to Auction? Because to me the Auction House seems pointless if I can just go to a vendor and get instant cash. But.. I know I am missing something. Thanks!!




  1. That is somewhat a loaded question and it takes a lot of trial and error.  In brief, any grey items (very common items including armor and weapons) can be sold to a vendor.  Green items should be sold at the auction house as you can easily make 4 times the amount a vendor would pay you.  Blue items can rack up more money.

    I suggest searching for the item you want to sell first to see how the market looks for you item (rule of thumb, the more of the item is available the less you'll get).  If you find the exact item, try to go lower than the lowest auction so long as you are not just giving it away.  If the item is not listed, look at similar items to get an idea of what price to put, as putting too much for an item will also not have it sell.

    Remember most level 15 characters don't have 10 gold to buy for item that they can get with a little farming (say a dungeon run).  So always budget your pricing around the level character you are targeting.  Don't get greedy and you'll make a good income at the Auction House (AH for short).

  2. Grey items can be vendored, white items can ususally be vendored. Greens, blues and purples should be AH'd or disenchanted in some cases. Bestthing to do is go to and download auctioneer. It will recommend priceing and the best way to get rid of items. While you're there, you should download QuestHelper and cartographer, they will speed ypur progress.

  3. People go to the auction house to sell stuff because real ppl buy it from you in the game, so that means you could be selling something for 2g when it could be worth 20g to a real person. Like before I quit the game I would skin snakes to get this certain type of snake skin, if I sold it to a vendor it would be worth like 15 silver but on the ah it was worth 20 g a piece because of how rare it was.

    So just check to see the price of stuff on the ah and if the items you have aren't worth much there THEN sell them to the vendor...

  4. auction is better money it takes longer tho . be a miner and sell stacks of copper ores or copper bars w/e sells higher at the price range on ur server, wen i hit 40 i had my mount, i dont play that game anymore it ****** me up,

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