
Woah Hamster Help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, my hamster has just died and god knows how. It had no eyes left at all and its fur was literally coming off when i picked it up like a dog malting. So then, i saw it moving, i thought it was breathing but it wasnt it was completely dead. But it was like little things were crawling inside it! So when i cleaned it out, i saw this massive earwig in its cage. My dad reckons my hammy died and then the earwigs started munching on his eyes and eventually into his body. It was so creepy. But wierdly, my other hamster in another cage next to it died but it had its eyes closed so i dno if it had any eyes left, but i couldnt see things moving inside that one!


Very gratefull,





  1. Earwigs lay their egs in living things and then the babys eat their ways out. It is very possible that a female earwig had contact with your hamsters a while ago and somehow laied eggs inside of your hamster. Then all of the babys ate through your hamster. I bet thats what happend.

    So Sorry, It was not your fault =]

  2. Heyy... it also could have been mites... if the skin where the hair came of looks irratated and red that would probably be mites.  If you end up getting another hamster get all new stuff (cage, ball, wheel, etc.)

    I'm sorry to hear that.

  3. I would get someone to come out and get rid of the wigs. or keep your hammies in another room. yes it was earwigs.

  4. i am sorry your hamster has died

    and as much as i dont want to sound nasty, you said that he/she was checked on regulary, but there wouldnt of just been one earwig, there would of been many to do this, an infestation which should of been noticed long before now.

    also, earwigs tend to live in damp conditions, did you clean the hamster out regulary?

    earwigs will eat anything, but mostly fruit and veg, although they will eat meat aswell.

    if you do decide to get another hamster, get the earwig situation delt with first, buy a fresh cage and bits, or put the old one in BOILING water and disinfect to kill any left over earwigs and eggs. keep the hamsters bedding clean and dry, in other words, clean out very regulary, and be sure to check for earwigs carefully, and often


  6. Very gorey.  don't buy another hamster.  Yek.

  7. How long was it before you discovered it was dead?  Maybe you should check on them more often next time.
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