
Woah the rain! (UK)...Do you blame global warming or just typical British weather?

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Im In London and it is like pouring out! It sounds like the sea is outside my window. I like it though. Will it carry on like this throughout September. I think we'll be needing metal umbrellas if it carries on like this. Its really strong.




  1. not global warming

  2. typical weather whatever you do though don't get out the umbrella's cos 1 of two things will happen

    1)it blows away breaks or turns into a floppy mess as there is a wind

    2) you take my eye out with the darn thing

  3. I am in London too and Wow it's like Feb outside!  Get your brolly out,

    I have sky though unlike you. Just typical English weather!

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if it was both the UK weather AND global warming.  

  5. Typical British Weather: we all love it realy!!

  6. I blame Gordon Brown and for your sky signal as well.

  7. That sounds like typical British weather.

  8. Global warming definitely. The UKs never had great weather but its never been this bad either!

  9. I'm in newcastle and its like the middle of winter here.

    I'm having a party for my sons 2nd birthday tomorrow meant to be having a b,que??????

    and i thought global warming was meant to make the weather and sea warmer not constant rain:(

  10. Yeah it's pretty bad, but this is just typical Britain in my eyes, could continue for a while

  11. I totally agree with you but I feel christmasy, cuz its cozy and warm!

  12. Typical weather for England.I know because I used to live there:D

    It's so lovely though:)

  13. They have changed Global Warming to climate Change!

    We have had cool wet non-summers before.

  14. This is perfectly normal weather in the UK for this time of year.

    You would welcome it if you tried living in the American mid-west for a summer.  Endless days of 95 degrees and 100% humidity.

  15. It's raining in Portugal too, it's Typical British weather.!!!

  16. Oh dear.  Look up "weather" now look up "climate"

  17. I think the grotty British weather is to blame not global warming.

  18. same.

    its ridiculous

    i think its global warming! (but may be wrong)

  19. global warming

  20. It is just typical british weather

  21. This is the British weather all year round recently, the seasons are changing.

  22. its the good old british always

  23. Its been pouring it down here in Yorkshire all day too i say its just your typical British weather =)

  24. oooo i know! this weekend is going to be terrible, just like our cold summer :-( i think its typical britain, it ALWAYS rains just like it always has.

    i think its worse in london as well yuck

  25. that's what the weather  is for the next few years  now....   The winds and  the high and low  pressure area have altered , so weather patterns  are now different   high pressure, fine weather,  is now much further South than previously   and will probably remain so .  

  26. I do blame global warming, as although it is typical british weather it is getting worse every year.

  27. I love rain!

  28. I know it is the typical british weather. UGLY BETTY TODAY DO NOT

  29. both -ish but britain typical weather

  30. I think its that bloody global warming I think we should all hibernate for winter

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