
Wobblie arms? body? everything?

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how come i been working out for over 3 years,i know im spretty strong i do cardio 2-3 times a week for 5-6 months now and what i hate is that i have wobblie arms,chest,stomch, etc..everything!! idk what is wrong i hate how my body looks please help ive been wanting to have a good body ..i kno i have it under all this but idk how to expllain..does anyone kno why my body is like this??? oh and i havent grown armpit hairs only 3 lil hairs lol < is this mean i havent gone threw puberty all da way,and im 17! i heard that if u havent gonne threw puberty ur body wont form that well




  1. yo u gatta do more one reps and three reps for bench squats and dead lifts it takes time an no offence 6 mounths aint all that long ive been trainin for years and also  u gatta keep with the cardio and take protein after workouts and do push ups with a heavy back pack

  2. You need to do some weight training for tone.

  3. as far as the hair goes... don&#039;t worry about that. you will grow hair in time. for some people it takes longer than others.

    as far your wobblie arms, body, everything perhpas you are over training. when you do not allow time for your body to rest adiquitly you in fact have the reverse affect of exercising in the first place. furthermore you should wait 2 years before weight lifting and only do the exercises without weights. they are good enough to get started on and can be hard as h**l. push-ups, pull-upd, sit-ups, crunches, knees to elbows (hanf from pull-ups bar and bring your knees to your elbows), air squats, jump-rope, run (long distance and sprints), swim laps (start out with a number of laps and eventually build up to doing laps for a period of time), etc

    here is an example of a workout you can do...

    5 pull-ups

    10 push-ups

    15 sit-ups or air squats

    do as many times as you can in 20 minutes

    remember always allow you body 3 rest days. until you get stronger and then you can bring it down to 2 days and eventually just 1 but always at least 1

    if you have anymore questions feel free to sen me a message

  4. You need to fix your diet to match your workout. Doesnt make sense to burn 2000 calories, then intake 2000 calories.

    Also, some people&#039;s body are the way they are no matter how hard you work out. Look at Tim sylvia for example.

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