
Wolf Spider Bite Maybe?? Need help?

by Guest61948  |  earlier

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I live in PA and there are a lot of wolf spiders in my house so its possible i could have been bitten. i recently got my wisdom teeth removed and am on vicodin so i feel no pain. there are 2 large swollen red bite marks on my knee that are very itchy and i seem to be getting dizzy and feel sick but that could just be the vicodin and i have no way to be sure and i really dont feel like driving to the emergency room for no reason. liitle help.




  1. Yep go to the emergency room now!  Don't take chances with spider bites. It is not good to be feeling sick after a bite. It could mean that there is poison in your blood. Go get it checked out.

  2. you may want to get it checked out however wolf spider bites are not deadly unless you are very old or very young, and still then it is very rare. You could get sick from it but not extremely bad but it should be checked out however it doesnt have to be done this second, i would say go to the doctor tommorow, unless you start feeling really bad then go to the hospital tonight.

  3. The best treatment will be to act immediately upon realizing you have been bitten by a spider. Get emergency care from a professional. You will need to get to a hospital in hope to find qualified personnel with the expertise to diagnosis and treat spider bites. Where ever possible bring the spider in to the hospital with you. This will aid in the treatment plan and reduce misdiagnosis which no doubt could lead to severe consequences.

    When the spider bites are minor in nature, treatment start by first letting the wound bled out to release the toxins, if and when the wound is large enough, applying an ice pack to reduce any swelling, applying an antiseptic to clean the exterior area of the wound and finally applying a topical ointment such as aloe vera to reduce pain.

    Unfortunately no tried and true treatment is available for necrotic bites from venomous spiders. The treatments in use at present include; elevation of the affected area, application of ice packs, administering tetanus shots, antivenom agents, antihistamines, various antibiotics, oxygen, vosodilators, electric shock treatments, curettage and surgery.  

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