
Wolf roleplay forum...?

by Guest62319  |  earlier

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There's thousands of wolf roleplay forums out there. The only problem is, most of them are on proboards. And that's for people thirteen and up.

Unfortunately, I'm eleven. That's the problem.

What I want to know, is that should I just lie about my age, or should I try to find one that I can go on?

If I lie about my age, which wolf roleplay forums do you recommend?

If I try to find one that people my age can go on, which ones do you recommend that aren't filled with dozens of immature, illiterate eight-year-olds?




  1. Well this isn't exacly a wolf roleplay.

    But you can make your character a wolf or half wolf or whatever if you wish.

    It's my roleplay forum, and there is no age required.

    But it isn't filled with illiterate eight-year-olds.


    We are sort of strict when it comes to literacy, so if we see one liners, they are gone. >>;;

    It just kind of started yesterday though.

  2. Hehehe, I answered on your other question too:

    I don't know... you seem to be mature in your writing style for your age, so if you were to join a roleplay for your age, you'd probably be surrounded by illiterate babies.

    If you do choose to lie about your age, I have exactly what you're looking for- we're a new wolf roleplay forum:

    Best of luck, no matter what you choose to do!

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