
Woman's love for a man?

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I have heard that when a woman truly loves man her love for him is like her love for a child:selfless and nurturing. Her instinct to protect and take care of him would be stronger than his. She could sacrifice everything for him. When a a woman truly loves a man her love will always be stronger. Is this actually true? Do women have a greater capacity to love men than vice versa? I heard a few women talking about this today and have heard it many times before in life.




  1. To be honest, I think both genders think this about the other. Living as a man in this world, I've definitely seen more men get hurt by women who honestly never cared about them, than I have seen women get used by men. I'm sure this would be the reverse if I were female.

    I will tell you that as a man, when I'm in love with a woman, I feel as if I'm suddenly totally alive. Every moment I'm with her, I'm so in love that it feels as though my heart is going to explode. I feel the same need to protect her that I do to protect a child, or a beloved pet. It's that gut-wrenching pain when she's in danger, that knowledge in your gut that it's your job to protect her, and if someone hurts her, it's like the ultimate insult to who you are, because it was your job to protect her.

    I'm not a woman, so I can't say whether that means I love any less or any more than a woman does. You be the judge.

  2. I believe my love for my husband is equal to his for me.

  3. i think in most cases women love alot deeper then men but not always.i think women like caring for the men more. but again.some men are the ones. kc

  4. A love for a child and a love for a spouse are two totally different loves with alot of similar properties. I love my husband and want to care for his every need. I will not allow others to hurt him if I can help it. I will not allow others to think or speak ill of him. I often sacrifice my own wants and needs for his. However, I expect this sort of love and caring in return. I do not expect my children to reciprocate the sort of work and dedication it takes for me to care for them because they are children. They should be busy learning, playing and growing, not working and worrying. The reason I feel so strongly toward the care and loving of my husband is because through the years we have built up this sort of relationship. It is all about give and take. In order for a woman to love you like that you must also love her and show it.

  5. No, you are describing a mothers love for her son.

    I don't feel the need to nurture him.... his mother did that.

    My love for my husband is not selfless either......the love, care and protection should be on BOTH sides ..... if it wasn't then I would be out of the door. There are conditions to marriage like fidelity etc.

    Only a mothers/fathers love is unconditional.

  6. Most of the time it is. Most women love harder than men love. Not always the case, tho, but majority of the time.

  7. yes, women do, as a whole, have a greater capacity to love because they are more sincere and honest than men...i think :)

    hope this helps!!

  8. I think that men and women love each other in different ways (not necessarily to the degree you described). But I do not think that a woman's love is any stronger than a man's.

    Sexist scumbag-you should really stop making an @ss out of yourself. You're not pissing anyone off, you're just being annoying. How is that satisfying?

  9. This is love, but genderless. And it's brilliant as long as it isn't being misdirected and is reciprocated.

  10. I think its about expression, though I think there is an element of blind devotion thrown into the mix as well.

    So I think women express their love more than men do (speaking in generalities, here) and that means we see it more in women.  But I doubt that men, as a whole, don't love as much as women do, because I've heard some men talk about the women in their lives, and boy... if they could only tell those women how they really feel...  But the open and honest expression of love by men is not acceptable, so it stays hidden.

    I will say, though, that men tend to hold less to a relationship that isn't doing so well, whereas women, as Dido so eloquently puts it,  "will go down with this ship,"

    I won't put my hands up and surrender

    There will be no white flag above my door

    I'm in love and always will be...

  11. i think it depends on how old a woman is. at 16, this was certainly me, and i loved an abuser so self-lessly it's sick. if he had told me to bleed, i would have bled and felt happy about doing something for him. and he was an abuser, so he took advantage of this at every opportunity, and this proved to him that i deserved being humiliated, that iw as pathetic, etc.

    now i'm older, and i see love as just a feeling, much like anger or humor or happiness, and while feelings have importance, they are not THAT important. right now, i don't love that hard at all. i have "relationships" now, i dont' fall in love, and i'm much happier. i'm with a guy who treats me really well, and i *take* now more than i give, but i am grateful for what i take.

    i think my life story would be different if by PURE LUCK my teenage love was to someone who deserved it. but it is just luck how that goes. no meaning or content in it.

  12. I think when a man and a woman truly love each other the love is very strong....on both sides.

    I would never be involved with a man who didn't love and respect me equally.....what would be the point.

    You're listening to the wrong people.

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