
Woman Injured at Kent Railway Station?

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I have just red (bad spelling I know) a short article which has informed me of a woman being pushed onto live tracks and was injured at Kent railway station by youths because she asked them to stop smoking.

What are your thoughts on this situation?

What methods of punishment do you believe should be carried out on the youths who are guilty of pushing this woman?




  1. It's disgusting behaviour, but no doubt the culprits will be let off with just slapped wrists.  

  2. Could  be  made  up  by  the  papers  to  get  your  blood  boiling,  works  too.  Who  knows  what  the  truth  is  anymore?

  3. why was she telling them not to be smoking anyway, no excuse for such a horrendous act i know but she sounded like a nosy woman to begin with

  4. Run them naked through the town so people can throw rotten fruit and veg at them. Unfortunatly they will probably be given a lollypop and a pat on the head for mischeif that got out of control, which of course may cause them psychological damage, which the tax payer will cough up for so they can enjoy a holiday in spain to help them over the trauma x

  5. That it diabolical!! They should be done for attempted murder!!

    Harriet - not acceptable social behaviour?? It a little worse than that!!

  6. As a man, if I'd seen that I would have pushed them in after her.. but waited tiull the train was coming lol

    ok joking about the train part, but seriously, I would have pushed them and scarpered. The police are useless at dealing with these yobs, and someone needs to teach them a lesson.

    BUT having said that, I advise all women to just leave that sort of thing be and deal with the frustration that comes with it, because confronting yobs is just asking for it, no matter who or where you are. (There's no way she couldn't have just moved off). That's why if I'm going to tell them something its from a distance or somewhere I can run from. It's a sad state of affairs that I have to say this, but as an individual it make sense.

    impose proper sentencing and prosecution and it'll all go away. Why should their human rights take precedence over ours?? They should be put away for years for that, they nearly killed her!

  7. Flogging sounds good to me.

  8. I believe that they should should get a life sentence for doing what they did as they were looking to kill her knowing that they were going to push her on the tracks. She was not being nosy, nosy is when someone is someone slyly overhearing your conversations in obvious view but they were smoking in public for all to see so she an say what she will if she likes. For her to tell them to stop smoke smoking, they must have been puffing in her face or near her.

  9. she was very very lucky, I think they should get 3 years in prision to sort them out. Nip it in the bud, we CANNOT TOLERATE VIOLENCEany more. Look at the state of our country.

  10. I don't smoke but I hate those anti smoking militants. It's as if they do it to make themselves feel important. I bet she's well annoying.

  11. I read that article, sick twisted fcukers, they should be thrown onto the rails.

  12. I think it is horrible taht the 'men' thought it was ok to push her onto the tracks. I say 'men' because they are not really men who would do this... idiots maybe.

    England's  crime has really got a lot worse, with all the stabbings and killings in the street,it is scary to walk around anymore. you dont even have to be doing anything wrong,. it needs to be stopped and soon. letting these yobs get away with this is just giving more power to these youths that think this sort of thing is ok.police and poeple need to work together to get people like these off the streets and put away.

    if you see anything happeneing that is wrong, call the police, it's their job to stop things like this. too many people turn a blind eye and that isnt helping anything. we need to get this stopped.

    I think short of public hanging, put these 'men' away for a long time. maybe if they spend enough time in prison the inmates could sort them out! :)

  13. Pushing someone onto the railway line is not acceptable social behaviour. They should be made to stop smoking. Punishment enough. btw What business of it was the woman's?

  14. If the youths were smoking in a legal place then they should have told her to bugger off, pushing her onto the track was a bit extreme.

  15. I read that too, its terrible i actually don't beleive it!

    I really hope she is ok, in terms of her recovery

    i beleive they should be locked up for life! and life means life!

  16. Identifying and catching the right people, is a bigger issue than their punishment.

  17. Its horrendous,I hope they catch the scumbags quickly, they should be done for attempted murder.

  18. Its outrageous - really and truly appalling.   These kids have no respect for anything or anyone and are totally out of control - its bloody frightening.  I just don't know where it is going to end if something isn't done soon.   Bring back National Service and teach them some discipline and respect I say!  $hit the lives out of the little scumbags so they won't bother anyone ever again.

    I know what punishment I'd like to give to them but it wouldn't be legal and I'd be the one to end up in prison.

  19. They should be charged with attempted murder.  It doesn't matter what question this woman asked, whether it was her business or not, throwing someone onto a rail track is dangerous.  We all know the dangers of live tracks so they where doing more than scaring her off.

    It's disgusting that someone would do this to another person all because she asked them to stop smoking.  Where do they get their morals from?  Or should I say lack of them.

  20. typical behaviour of Kent chavs!  I hope they are caught and jailed for assaulting this woman.  As a smoker, although I agree wholeheartedly with the ban on smoking in closed spaces, I think the ban on smoking on an open railway platform is ludicrous!  It is far more dangerous to be walking along a road with car exhausts etc.  As such, I think there is no excuse for the boy's behaviour but these mini-hitlers do wind me up as well.  Anyone who lives in this area knows to keep out of trouble.  it was only a f*g for God's sake!  she should have minded her own business.

  21. Chances are, they are under age so they can't be sent to prison for attempted murder.....shame! Cos I'd have packed them off to the chain gang prison tent city in Arizona (saw it on t.v last night, but can't remember the name of it) They should do 6 years hard labour in a really harsh environment like this one, not get 6 months in a youth offenders institution with all it's comforts like t.v, play stations etc and then come out and be back even worse (if poss) than before. I am glad that the CCTV has gotten them on camera, lets hope they get caught soon.

    This is a prime example of what PC has done to the UK, if you speak up for yourself you are likely to come off the worst. Terrible and disgusting. Hope the lady gets better soon.

  22. do the same to the kids that ppushed her

    scum of the earth!!

    the woman only asked a simple, law abiding question!

  23. I think she was brave but stupid! It's too dangerous nowadays to take on these kind of people alone.

    People have no respect for others nowadays. I would bring back national service where young folk learn discipline and respect.

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