
Woman banned for driving at 10mph on dual carriageway?

by  |  earlier

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i think it was right to ban her,cos it is not safe,and it could cause an accident,she admitted she was scared,the news said she will have to do another test,but driving at 10 mph she wont pass,what are ure thoughts on this??




  1. I think that it's dangerous, and about time women of all ages had their licence taken from them,  overnight cure for are traffic problems.

  2. I think it was right to ban her, they should bring in minimum speed limits on certain roads as well. Just a shame they don't ban all the idiots going over a 100 at the same time!

  3. she was unable to drive safetly so ye she should be banned.

  4. She said she was desperate to get to Staples to buy a new ink cartridge, well why not buy online ? It was right to ban her, she could so easily have caused a multiple pile up.

  5. If someone is scared to drive at the normal speed of the traffic then they pose a hazard. They may also behave unpredictably in the event of an emergency or if they encounter some else's bad driving.

    We see enough of these sort of people hogging the centre lane of motorways at 50mph because they're 'afraid' of the HGV's in the Lane 1. They really shouldn't be driving, they're almost as bad as 'boy racers'.

  6. I saw this article earlier. To me, some people just aren't cut out for this driving lark, and she's definetly a candidate for a bus pass if ever I saw one!

    People who are too scared to drive shouldn't endanger themselves and others by driving at ridiculously slow speeds while quaking like a jelly. She was causing more danger than someone doing 100mph, and I hope she never gets gets behind the wheel again.

  7. Yes she should be banned.

    Imagine driving down a dual carridgeway(expecting to see the car in front of you be going at roughly the same speed as you) and realising that it's practically stopped.

    Ok you should be able to stop in the distance you can see....but in the real world people drive closer than recommened.

    But the ones who really want to be banned are the "slip-road hogs".

    The ones who try to enter a M-way at 40mph or less.

    Do these people not know that the slip road is there to build up speed to join the M-way and merge with the traffic at road speed.

    I have seen so many cars have to swerve out of their way.

    and it's frustrating to be stuck behind one,who then forces you to have to take the same action or to have to speed past them into the middle lane.

    Notice that these are the same ones who give you a dirty look as you go past them!


    yes I see she was being treated for this medical condition. I feel that it was right.

    Poor lady, but if she had caused an accident that killed somebody!

  9. She was dangerous and would have caused an accident.

    I saw her on the news and she is a silly cow.

  10. yes it was the right choise becuse she is a sitting duck to oncoming traffic

  11. Im glad this has been brought up. She is suffering from M/S and, She was actually on a motorway, and has only been banned for a week which makes it worse? She will have to sit a test to gain her license again though. These peolpe should be banned from driving full stop. Just because you hold a license does not mean you are not fit to drive.

  12. As you say, she won't pass - so, problem solved.

  13. have to agree...reluctantly...poor lady did her best.......she deserves our sympathy....

  14. absolute bloody lunacy-speed kills(especially if your only doin 10mph)the roads are safer already!too slow is as bad as too fast-ALL bad drivers should be banned!

  15. well she needs help i wish her luck nobody was hurt thats what Matters

  16. Agree with you :o)

  17. Shouldn't be driving, she is a danger to the rest of the drivers out there.

  18. a) dual carriageways make it too easy to overtake on. so thats not a problem

    b) a speed limit is a speed LIMIT it mean do not exceed! there are no minimum limits on dual carriageways.

    I think it was unfair to ban her, however i also think a penalty should have been issued for dangerous driving a) for going on the road in her state if mind and b) driving so slowly, because on busy roads people get annoyed and that lack of concentration can contribute to an accident.

  19. If your scared to drive... don't!

    Nothing worse than being sat behind people who drive slower than i can walk!!!

  20. thats as dangerous as doing 110mph on the motorway

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