
Woman fire fighters - What's you opinion?

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I am 17 yr old female and have been volunteering for a year and love it. Iv'e come across a few biased comments, what' your opinion?




  1. If you are physically able to do the work, go for it.

  2. If you can pass the tests and get in, it doesn't matter who or what you are!

         2 Male paramedics refused to take a family member down stairs in a chair until they had back up, 2 more paramedic turned up (both female) the woman of small build was annoyed they they were called out for this and did the job alone!!  

    Good Luck Hope you get all what you want

  3. If youre fit enough to pass the tests and have the commitment and intelligence then GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Those whi make biased comments are ignorant and not worth your time and anger!

  4. Anyone who can do the job, is all that matters.

  5. cool, very s**y

  6. ya its OK if you  can do the work perfectly

    more than that  we are living  in a civilized world  so  we believe in equality and gender

  7. The best responses to biased comments are to do the work very well; avoid being alone with those who make that type of remark as much as possible; and to calmly stand up for yourself when you must-or laugh off the comments when you can. I believe that volunteer firefighters should behave in a professional manner; a bit of teasing is common, but harrasment or intimidation (especially if it is frequent) should be reported to your superior. You are quite young, so it's even more important that you make sure that you are behaving in a professional manner. One of the best ways to gain respect (for any young firefighter, male or female) is to focus on improving your skills.

    Good luck to you!

  8. I don't know, I'm not sure. It's ok, I guess. But they have to be completely reliable in extreme situations! And guys don't? - you'd say. Well, I'd say yes! Of course! But guys tend to be physically stronger (and maybe mentally too?). But anyway, I say sure what the hey.

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