
Woman/girls who took a self defens course for women?

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Have you ever wanted to try if what you learnt really works? Did you ever want to know if you really can take out a guy bigger than you?

Like with kicking a guy in the nuts or something?




  1. as a girl, youre pretty much never going to be able to take on a man.  unless youre roided out to miss olympia size, or rediculously good @ fighting, like one of the best female fighters in the world good.  unless you want to spend every waking moment of the next 10 years learning how to fight, you can pretty much forget about it.  women are just too weak and small to take on men.

    i think a lot of those self-defense courses will just be liable to get you hurt more.  trust me, if you kick me in the balls, pull my hair, eye gouge me or something, its not going to stop me; its just going to make me enraged and really want to hurt you.  thats if i were a rapist of course, which im not.

  2. As a martial artist looking to teach effectively for women as well as men, I've watched a number of them taught on the UNLV campus to kind of study how they teach them and see what flaws need to be improved on. Most of them really are garbage, spread a lot of misinformation, and generally instill a lot of paranoia in the participants.

    I talk to the participants, often times well after since I know them, and they admit to never following through with what they're taught. Women can take down much larger men, but need to know how to use body dynamics, mechanical compliance, and pain compliance effectively, and being taught to kick a guy in the junk, while a starting point, is not the best course of action. Further, the weekend seminar type course (2 hours of screaming "No! Stop! Back off!" while kicking a guy in a padded suit in the crotch, followed by lunch, followed by another 2 hours) just end up giving the women who take them a false sense of security.

    Yes, kicking a vast majority of guys in the beans is going to hurt, and likely drop them. The same can be said of a back handed slap to the adam's apple (causing the muscles of the throat to spasm). However, without a foundation in the principles of the techniques and a good introduction to the anatomy of a fight, all the techniques in the world aren't going to help. It's a good measure of chance involved, and the news loves to report on the women who took those weekenders and survived an attack more than they report on the ones who did and died.

  3. Sign up for a real martial arts class after you do the women's self defense thing.  You need to train in there with men and tougher women----you know, the type of people who may actually attack you.

    The self defense class is fine, but you need to continue practicing after it is over.  I know people tell you that Martial Arts takes years to master, but guess what?  Those years have a way of going by.  

    The nut-kick thing is not a sure thing.  Some people can take a kick to the nuts because they have training or have a high pain tolerance.

    If you are worried about beating a bigger person, take Judo.  That's what it's for.  It is all about a smaller person redirecting a bigger person's force.  If you want to learn how to throw a punch or kick, study a striking style.

  4. I have taught women's self defense classes, but to my knowledge none have had to use it.  

    Kicking in the nuts is very risky, and requires some practice to get it right.  When we teach these classes, we focus on:





    These are areas which you can strike with that cause injury with less chance of hurting yourself in the process.   Places to strike are:

    Bridge of the nose

    Eyes and Ears

    Front of the neck

    Front of the knees

    Top of the foot


    These are areas that can cause alot of pain with not a lot of force/effort.

    A quicky:

    Strike the top (bridge) of the nose causes alot of pain, watery eyes, and some disorientation.  Use the part of the palm opposite of your thumb, or your elbow if grabbed.  

    Eyes / ears:  Poke and scratch the eyes. results obvious.  strike the ear with an open palm flat to the head to compress the eardrums,doing both at the same time is extremely painful and disorientating.  

    Strike the front of the neck at the "adams" apple.  Again using the palm or elbow.  Causes choking and fear.  Hit hard enough will crush the airway.  You can also poke your thumb fingernail into the little "hole" below the adams apple and above the sternum plate.  Causes pain.

    Most men have "bad knees" or weak knees.  Kicking with the heel of your foot/shoe to the front of the knees can break it, or at least hyper-extend it.  Once fully locked, it takes about 15-20lbs of force to break the leg at the knee.  Then you can walk away, and call the cops while you watch him writhing in pain.

    Stomping on the top of the foot, near the ankle can also cause some pain and injury.  Especially if you are a heel wearer.   Hard enough and you can break the bones of the foot.

    Knees to the groin in close work quite well to startle them while you attack with something else.  Dont expect them to just fall over crying.  Most guys are pretty good at protecting that area.   If it is exposed, grabbing/scratching/biting are all good too.  Grab the nuts, hank down as you twist.

    The greatest thing to learn is awareness.  Being aware of your situation and location can keep you away from danger much better that having to defend oneself.  And if it does occur, you can fight back.  You can do something.  Yell Scream, kick, scratch, bite, whatever you can do you should.

    We hear of too many women that do not even put up a fight.

    You're definetly on the right track by simply asking what is possible.  The answer is anything is possible.

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