
Woman/gun question?

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so im taking a woman I am interested in to a shooting range tomorrow.

Should I take several guns? Should I bring my largest pistols? Or should i be conservitive and bring somethng small like a 38

as a woman interested in guns, what would impress you most




  1. I personally shoot a 38  Ladies S W, but I love all types but a women is usually more interested in guns that are simple to use, such as revolvers.  Give a woman to many gadgets and  you will get a confused women,  just take a variety and let her see what she is most comfortable with.  Good Luck.

    If they have a rifle range let her shoot a 22 to get comfortable with it before moving her up to big game calibers, it will make her less afraid of the recoil, most likely with hand guns too.

  2. Take one Only the 22 L.R.  before introducing her to any other calibers. Then next time you go out with her take back the 22 & take along the 38 to try.* Just stay with the 22 on her first introduction to shooting.*

  3. If you are interested in her, why would you want to scare her half to death with a canon. Take the 38 (for her to use)  impress her with your knowledge of firearms. Take the time to brake down the basics. Don't just hand the gun to her and she is on her own. If you what to take something bigger, for you to shoot. Do so, but the idea is to have an enjoyable time with each other. Not to run her off or turn her off to shooting. Good Luck

  4. No cannons, not yet. You found a girl, who is into guns. Don't s***w that up. Only a .22 lr. on the first date. Full explanation on firearms safety and why we shoot. A proper introduction to the shooting sport. If all goes well this is the perfect set up to many more range sessions . Very slowly work up to bigger stuff if she wants.

    If I were a girl I think I would be most impressed with professionalism and respect.

    Nothing like seen on YouTube where some idiot has an unknowing girl shoot a high recoil rifle or handgun and be humiliated or injured.

  5. What would impress me most is having everything carefully and fully explained and demonstrated. I suggest you take one revolver (38) and one semi-auto (9mm). Semis can be so confusing, finding the magazine release, where the manual safety is (if it has one) and hummm....that manual safety shall I push it up or down?

    Oh, most important if you really want to impress her, allow her do everything herself. Of course you can load the magazine faster than she can. Let her to do it anyway. And let her help you clean the guns after. Good luck.

  6. to really impress her, take the largest cannon that you can get your hands on

  7. Bring a couple of them..... DO NOT let her shoot a high power pistol if she has never done that... The recoil would cause her to have a "learned flinch" which would take her some training to unlearn. Be responsible and let here fire a lower powered caliber gun like a .38, .380 or even a 9MM.... That way she wont be intimidated by the gun or its recoil..... Youtube is full of imbeciles that give there girlfriend / wife / ladyfriend a powerful gun and its scares then p**p out of them...... Its a turn off and could make her a gun hater instead of a gun lover.......

  8. Do you want a friend or person who hates you?

    If she has no experience, then start slow. Mild recoil, good instruction and lead up to several more range dates.

  9. I've introduced a number of women to the world of firearms.

    Be thorough about explaining the rules of gun safety.

    Be patient.

    Answer each question until the person fully understands and is satisfied with your answers to their question.

    Pick one firearm.  

    Teach only that firearm during the first range session.

    Teach how to operate that firearm in a safe manner (practice checking to ensure it is empty, loading/unloading with snap-caps or dummy cartridges, making the firearm "safe" before placing it on the shooting-bench with action open and the muzzle pointed downrange, and etc. & etc.) before chambering any "live" ammunition.

    The first gun a person shoots should generate minimal recoil.

    Some "first time" cartridges could be .22LongRifle, .380ACP, .38Special, 9mmLuger, .223Remington (fired from a rifle).

    It may be advantageous to attend a firearm safety class together.  Formal training is beneficial to first-time students and helps old-hands refresh their memories.  Attending the same class together is a bonding experience and ensures each of you is exposed to the same firearm terminology and the same set of range commands.

    A person learning to shoot should have an enjoyable experience.  It should be fun, so they'll want to do it again.  :-)

  10. If you have several, take them. Let her start with the smallest, like a .22, and work her way up until she finds her limit. I'm not a woman, but when I was a teenager, a friend took me and another friend out to shoot his collection of pistols. We started with a .22, then a 9mm, then a .38. then a .357 Magnum, then a .44 Magnum (this was about the time of the Dirty Harry movies. I figured out real quick that the .44 was way more gun than I wanted, but the .357 was sweet. I liked it so much that I wanted to buy my own.

    Have a good time at the range. Be safe. Take a video and post it. It could be fun!

  11. when i take my fiance', she only shoots my browning buckmark. i've gotten her to shoot my .45 once, and my cz 52 once. she's comfortable with the .22, so that's what she shoots.
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