I want to know how I can avoid the pitfalls my mother and my ex's mother have fallen into. They were and are with women-haters, abusers who have called them names, emotionally, phsychologically, and physically abused them. Men who have cheated on them without a thought, not believing in monogomy and praising open marriages even if it wasn't the agreement to start with, and unacceptable for the woman to do so. Men who have abused, neglected, and left other children and wives. And they (women) accept it. These are the models I have seen, and I'm wondering where I could go to get a strong woman to look up to and emulate. I do not want to turn out like these women, and I'm sorry that they ever had to put up with it, .....until
they act justified. He's the one who married me, he comes home to me, he's just misunderstood, spare me. And the sons they have raised are soaking it all up. Proud to have obedient and blind mothers who will overlook their bigotry as a resut of their fathers image. How can a raise a son to respect women, when he will be seeing this himself, besides my best attempts to steer him towards equality? And how can I insure my daughters self respect when she will see her father thinks nothing more of women than game and s*x?