
Woman with pcos that are ttc please help

by Guest32649  |  earlier

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I have not been diagnosed with pcos but I do not think I'm ovulating. I have been using over the counter ovulation test strips and I have not had one tell me I'm ovulating yet. My periods are every 52 to 56 days so I literally have no idea when or if I'm ovulating at all. I have heard that some woman are put on diabetic meds and special diets to help them ovulate. I would be ever so grateful if someone could give me the diet plan or any info that you may have in increasing chances of ovulation. I do need to lose weight but overall I'm in pretty good health. Plus I would also like for someone to share any success stories with me that had pcos and was able to conceive. We are all in this boat together and want the same little miracle. A baby ! Thank You so much for your help in this any info will be much appreciated. : )




  1. I was told I may have that and was on BC for 4 months. We thought that was part of it and we also used the test strips to see when I ovulate. The next month after I stopped birth control and we did it on the day the strip said to, we got lucky!

  2. Hello! I have a little girl that is 13 months old now!  I have PCOS, was diagnosed with it like 3 years ago.  I was put on Clomid in Sept of 06' and got pregnant on the first round of it! I just finished my clomid and fertility tests again and am hoping that next week i don't start and I get a positive pregnancy test!  It is possible to get prego with PCOS it's just a matter of how far do you want to go with meds and the chance on having multiple babies!  Good luck to ya!

  3. Losing weight is key!  You should probably see an Endocrinologist.  They will perform a series of blood tests to determine how high your insulin is.... a key factor in PCOS women.

    They will most probably put you on Metformin to help balance the insulin.  Hopefully, this will restore your periods and make them more regular.  I would also start taking your basal temperature every day..... once you get a record for a few months, you can go see a GYN.  The GYN will most probably put you on Clomid, an ovulation medication.

    As for the diet, reduce carbs and sugar.  Look at the labels!  Carbs should be no more than 20g; fiber.... lots!; sugar....low; and fat.... less than 4g of saturated fats.

    Good Luck!

  4. hello i was diagnosed with pcos 3 years ago . i didn't do any diet or meds for it. i was on pain meds the 1st couple months but nothing after that. i was told more then once that i wouldn't have anymore kids cause i didn't ovulate on my own. well i decided to listen to the other doctor and lose weight i started last summer losing weight i lost 53lbs in a year and i'm now 10weeks and 4 days pregnant . i have had 2 miscarriages and 1 daughter this pregnancy has been going good ... try to eat healthy foods and take vitiams you can buy the prenatial vits. over the counter at a  local store. their not that expencive and they help .. i hope this helps but just keep in mind that when the time is right it will happen. i had been trying for over 6 yrs before i found out with this pregnancy .. i went through a miscarriage in april of this year and then found out 2 months later i was pregnant again. ok so baby dust to you

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