
Women, are there any items in your house that your man is not allowed to touch unless on special occasions?

by  |  earlier

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Such as your decor cushions, towels, china, or va gina?




  1. It's also my husbands home and he can touch whatever he wants. Special occasion or not.

  2. There are a few things I'd rather he left alone, just as he prefers that I leave certain of his belongings undisturbed, but I wouldn't go so far as to say either of us is not "allowed" to touch certain things.

  3. Certainly not.  I wouldn't dare tell my husband he couldn't touch anything he wanted to touch, even if I wanted to tell him something so bizarre, it would get a VERY negative response.

  4. Nope, nothing like that in my house.  If it's here, it's for all of us and every day is a special occasion.

  5. the china might gather dust and the husband of a feminist might be required to clean it every so often

  6. i dont have things or speacial occasions except some clothes, he can touch those if he wants but a dress isnt really his style

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