
Women, are you concsious that men are also disciminated by gender?

by  |  earlier

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WOMEN only




  1. Yes, all the 50+ year old women in power are enacting all these laws against men's bodies and to prevent them from being economically independent. STOP THEM NOW!!!!

  2. Impossible, as you know the patriarchy (although historically oligarchic, aristocratic or autocratic) in fact represented every single man trying to oppress women alone.

    Therefore the argument that it could have been a few rich men s******g everyone else over (including men) is a patriarchal construction used to draw attention away from women's suffering.

    Men just can't be discriminated against because we perpetrated it ALL =D

  3. Yes, I fight for fair treatment for everyone, not just women.

    The problem is that when men are discriminated against, it gets no publicity. There are few men willing to stand up when this occurs (I guess most are content to take it like a man) and even fewer men willing to spread the news (again, they'd probably tell him to take it like a man).

    It was difficult for men in the 70s to understand the discrimination that women faced because that was the way it had always been. Now it's women who are having a hard time understanding discrimination faced by men.

  4. Yes.

    Cheers :-)

  5. Well then, tell gender to stop discriminating against you!

    Or would you like us to do it for you?

    Bad gender!

  6. Yes, but not neccesarily by women which I think is imortant to note. Instead of having a gender war, people should bind together and fight the people that ARE discriminating gainst anything, race, age, disability or gender.

    For example, in the UK they are trying to close women's prisons and make sure firms hire more women over men. This is NOT what women want, it's exactly the thing that pi55es everyone off men and women. It's one of teh bizarre over-pc rules ade by a few politicians.

  7. Yes.....the childcare and teaching professions are one area that men are discriminated against.

  8. yes, having a brain and being part if society i had noticed that.


  9. Yes

  10. oh yes, and everytime i do or say something a long those lines, im told about it! im starting to catch myself, and im getting better.

  11. Yes; discrimation has no boundaries.

  12. Aye I am, men and women are both discriminated just for  some different reasons, some can be altered but its the ones that neither can alter that is truly infuriating.  Then again there are a lot more areas in which women are discriminated and they are in the areas of basic human rights.

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