
Women, are you really offended by signs that say?

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"Men at Work" ? Some woman group ...'Pink' something, has thrown a fit to have that changed saying that it "disparages women"!!! Atlanta road workers will not be allowed to use those signs anymore.

Honestly..I actually am a woman and I think this is such c**p!! What's next...'women-hole covers'? (actually that might not be a bad idea if those covers went over the right .....

never mind.) You get the jest.




  1. It will cost over $130,000 to change the signs. I do not really care what are on the signs, but why not change the wording when the signs are old and save the money.

  2. I reckon if they're old signs then what's the problem.

    If, as rebel points out, they were new signs then maybe there's a case

  3. It doesn't bother me.

  4. I agree with Rebel F.  The signs don't really bother me.  If it's an old sign that's fine, because that wouldn't make any sense to throw out a perfecty functional sign, but to be politically correct, new signs should say "people at work." While yes, the great majority of construction workers are men, there are women in that field as well, and the signs should include them too.

  5. I'm not a woman, but I think the signs need to be changed to "Crew on Break" to be more accurate.

  6. No, such signs do not offend me. Gender neutral language would be better in the future but it's daft to change existing signs for the sake of it.

  7. Not at all.  It refers to man kind.  At any rate most of the people out there busting their asss in the heat, cold and rain are men.

  8. I'm more offended by the one guy who actually is working while the others are standing around watching than I am about a stupid sign.

  9. "Men at work... leaning on a shovel eating a donut..." With all the starving children in this world I think it would be best that we spend our money on feeding them instead of spending millions of dollars replacing these signs. Give me a break, if your that friggin sensitive you should move into the wilderness and become a hermit.

  10. Since most work crews now have at least one women on board with them, what's the big deal in changing the sign to reflect everyone.

  11. I agree with you, I don't think they should be changed woman and man are the same thing.They are taking things way too far, this is part of the reason I disagree with feminism!

    edit: I agree with Colonol Reb

  12. No; a sign's a sign.

  13. Just more of the Women's Rights B.S.  It's meaningless.  Some of these women are mad because God placed them under the control of men.  They just can't get over it and get a life.

  14. Absolutely not offended by that. Honestly, most of the signs are wrong anyway since most of those men aren't working but standing around! :o)

  15. I think it's absolute insanity.  The feminist movement really has gone stark raving bonkers.

  16. This group is right it should say "workers ahead" instead

  17. I am offended by the underlying social attitudes that would prompt sign-making companies to continue making signs that say "men at work" when clearly there are women road workers as well.  The signs themselves don't actually bother me that much...but the fact that it is 2008 and there are still signs that say that bothers me a great deal.

  18. I am not offended by signs that say men at work...figure it is so rare they are letting everyone know they are actually doing someting.

  19. I don't like the signs since they're not true-but don't think it's a big deal. Why is it such a big deal to you? I'm a feminist and think the signs from now on should be changed-but I'm not upset about it. But I'm starting to find it funny how outraged people are about this "change".

  20. It's far less offensive than other forms of sexism, but it's still sexist. Frankly, I think road workers have more to worry about than new signs.

  21. What I find offensive is your changing your avatar to a female from a male after you realized that you had stated you were a female in a question.  To me that equals a rather third rate troll.

  22. A little bit. Why does it HAVE to be gender-specific? Just make them gender-neutral. I don't see how it could be that much of a hassle.

  23. According to them alone, 96% of the workers are men anyway. And given it's their statistic, it's probably even higher.

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