
Women, do you believe your significant other can be friends with a really hot girl?

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I am tired of mostly women saying here on this forum they can have male friends and do things with them like lunch, movies, shopping outside the relationship. Honestly, women, how many of you will let your husband go rollerblading with this girl...

and later allow him to go to dinner, shopping with her?




  1. Honestly?

    No. I wouldn't.

    I'm not stupid. I don't like taking chances like that with people I love.

    Haha..or maybe I'm just possessive.

  2. If she's dressing like that, I'd be uncomfortable, but under normal circumstances: just because she's hot doesn't mean she's attracted to him or that he's into her as more than a friend. I don't care if my SO finds other women hot, because I trust him and know he's not gonna bang every hottie he sees. I'm friends with most of his friends anyway, so we'd generally all hang out together, but if that weren't the case I'd still be fine with it.

  3. I would let my husband hangout with her. As long as he doesn't spend the majority of his time with her and is willing to have the two of us around at the same time(group get togethers not s*x LOL)

    Men don't cheat just because the other woman is hot. He would also allow me the same respect with my friends.

    edit My husband has a few friends who I think are significantly hotter then me why should that pose a threat. Why do people assume a man is incapable of keeping"it" in his pants?

  4. she's the femme version of man in trunk

  5. If he treated her exactly like he treated his other friends I'd see no problem with it.

    If he spent more time with her than me then naturally we'd have a problem :)

  6. I do not think men can be "just friends" with a hot girl.  Usually he secretly harbors other intentions.

    I don't think miss bikini rollerblades is all that hot so if my boyfriend wanted to rollerblade with her, that would be just fine.  In fact it would be funny.  Would he blade in just his swim trunks?  Lol

  7. My husband has friends that are women, but he doesn't go out alone with them. Some women that he's friends with have had a thing for him in the past. Although I completly trust him, he doesn't want to put himself in a situation that would look bad to others or give his "women friends" the wrong idea.


    Personally, I would feel uncomfortable spending the whole day alone, having dinner and shopping with a married man other than my husband or family member.

  8. I have male acquaintances who I am friendly towards, not friends and I would not cross the line and go out to lunch, movies or shopping with another male, unless it's my husband or a male family member.  I don't think he'd be comfortable with me going out places with another male.

    So, he extends the same courtesy towards me.

  9. I don't think my significant other spends time alone with any other girl but me. But I'd be comfortable with it unless I saw that she had designs on him.

  10. I think that friendships with a member of the opposite s*x are best avoided if I am in a committed relationship.  I think it leaves the door open to  sexual attraction and can leave doubts in my partners mind.  At some point I make the conscience decision to choose between the man I am with or male friends.  The man I am with will win every time.

    As silly as it may sound and as unpopular as my belief may be, for me its all about risk management and weighing priorities. It's not a matter of whether I would LET him or not, but I would like him to share the same priorities I have.

  11. I'm not that stupid. My man could be the sweetest guy on the planet until evolution takes over. He can be around her as long as I'm within 10 feet of her.  

  12. Any woman who says she wouldn't mind is lying her socks off.

  13. My partner is free to be friends with whoever he wants. As I am. Both of us have attractive friends of the opposite s*x. We are mature adults.


    Oh the inevitable accusations of lying ..... Some people simply cannot fathom that not everyone is as insecure and juvenile as them.

  14. That girl's not perfect. No one is. She does NOT pose a threat to me in the least. No female makes me insecure enough to prohibit my love from hanging out with a friend of his.

    I let my boyfriend be friends with whoever he wants. Hot chicks. Fat chicks. Stupid guys. s**y guys. Wait, let me rephrase that, why should I have to "let" my boyfriend do anything? He's his own person. I'm not his owner. Like I said before, I walk beside, not behind or in front of him. If he wants to rollerblade with a girl who wants to tan while she rollerblades (and trust me, that's what she's doing, don't judge her because she can fit into a bikini), then so be it. I trust him.

    Men don't cheat because of another woman. Men cheat because they want to cheat. Men have brains. Men can make choices. Don't blame the other woman if he's messing around. Blame your man.  

  15. No Way in h**l would he be hanging out with her, no shopping, no movies, no nothing. Marriage is about commitment to each other not just when its convenient. I don't go out with guys to hang out and he doesn't do it with women.

    Plenty of delusional women will say that we don't have trust but i say instead we have respect, we care about each other and choose not to burden ourselves with nonsense. This doesn't mean he isn't allowed to be polite or know other women just that he will respect our union by not encouraging a situation that could present problems in the future.

  16. There is no way I am lettin' this cheeky gal anywhere close to my man!

  17. Women who say they don't care are lying their a**es off because they're afraid of looking insecure.

    If you let your significant other do this you are just an idiot who can't see the obvious.

  18. Of course!....  otherwise, hot girls wouldn't be allowed to have friends. See, human beings develope a vast array of feelings for others.

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