
Women, do you feel insulted when?

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a man who you've never met, comes up to you to offer help that you never asked for while staring down at your chest area, which is completely covered and not exposed?

What would you think of this man and would you or would you not automatically write him off?





  1. no it does not offend me if it's just a look, as long as no rude comment is made or touchy feely going on, it's just a male being a male, have you never checked out a man's butt as he walked by?

  2. I've never had that happen b/c I have no b***s.

    People often offer to help me b/c I'm small. Like, imagine a 12-year-old boy trying to load a piece of countertop into the back of a truck. Even g*y men take pity on me and offer to help (and yes, it really happened; they were too cute, holding hands and being, "oh, honey do you need some help with that?" I'm still thankful to them. That slab was HEAVY.)

    But people talk to my friend's chest all the time ("huge tracts of land"). She doesn't really get insulted, she just accepts that they are male and that's what guys do. But she often has old men rub her shoulder when they talk to her, so maybe she just has a high tolerance for ick-factor.


  4. you need to lighten up. Its nature. we are beatiful creatures. i would feel kinda crappy if i didnt get a stare here and there honestly. So what! a man looked at your chest. omg!

  5. Of course, I'd think he was completely rude and bad mannered.

  6. I find it offensive and unnecessary.   I just never let any strange men help me with things  (Thanks but no thanks!).  I just take care of myself.  I know other women who will get nasty and tell a man off if he tries looking down their shirts or something.  It's YOUR body and many women feel violated when someone is putting on the false pretense of being the good samaritan, when all he really wants to do is check out your body.  That is different from simply glancing at someone's butt as they walk by because it's more calculated and sneaky.   I wouldn't blame any woman for telling him off.

    If some of you think this is a man's nature to behave like a crude caveman, then it's in my nature to be a beyotch from h**l.

  7. You are in dire need of schooling or counseling.. Your 'tude is what is disrespectful & insulting here. Further, it's clear you have no concept of reality. 1st, be gracious whenever a man offers to help you. Your sicko demeanor of feeling every man is a potential victimizer or has ulterior motives will not gain you any points. For petesakes get a grip, girl.. you did testify that you're completely covered.. you have no right to feel insulted.. Proper behavior dictates you as a female to gleefully accept his gesture/ offer ; we all have eyes & there is no statute for lingering eyes. Stop being a control freak ! No one tells you where to look & when. Chill out girl....

  8. I think it depends, most likely i would write him off. unless i liked him bet then again that's still a sign of disrespect or him just thinking one thing: s*x.

    so either way he may not even be good for you. sometimes they can turn out not to be jerks but i wouldn't really know.

  9. Generally, it is not appreciated...unless I'm attracted to the guy in question. It tells me that a guy thinks with his shlong rather than head, and since I do not prejudice all guys to be like that, I will not make an excuse for male gender.

    You'll have a greater chance of attracting a woman if you look into her eyes and ask to help out.

  10. Remember gals some times men can't help it. It's our nature . Just think how hard it is when you go up to talk to a beautiful women and you're having to say to your self "don't look at her chest damnit" . Some times we just forget :)

  11. i didnt know...i need specific depends.

  12. I really don't care if he is helping me.

  13. Yes, you should feel insulted and should write him off.  And I'm a man who's been guilty of this.

    But remember, don't think it's all our fault.  The media and many women themselves encourage this with breast enhancement surgery and the way they don't blame us guys.  In some ways we are victims too.

  14. No I don't. Sounds pretty normal to me.

  15. Insulted, no.  I'd tell him his help wasn't needed and continue what I was doing.  Lots of people are rude.  Life goes on.

  16. if he just asks to help than that is not so bad, but if hes not even focused on you face when talking or listening that is deffinitely not at all nice. its rude. and i think that you should probably just write him off because he seems to have other intentions in mind.

  17. Well I wouldn't feel insulted if I was walking down the street and a man shouted 'hello gorgeous' or 'you're beautiful' or something. However, I would get EXTREMELY offended if a man came up to me because of my body! That would just be telling me I'm ugly. I get offended if ANYONE says 'oh you've got a nice body' coz it's like 'what about my face?'

    But yeah, I don't think a man would be looking at my b***s anyway.. they aren't that great and if he did I would just stare at his tiny willy.

    But I would be extremely offended.. But I wouldn't if a man came up to me and said 'hey s**y' and he was looking at my face. Then I'd be happy. =]

  18. That would depend entirely upon the circumstances ie: was this a teacher, a student, a customer, the grocery bagger at Safeway, etc.

    And yes of course I would write him off but if he upset me a whole lot then I would report him - if he could be reported and that would depend on the circumstances.

    *So you can't go over his head to report him because he has no authority or power over you.  Too bad, all you can do is keep your distance.

  19. I would feel a little uncomfortable maybe, but seriously, who cares.

  20. I am a sweet girl that takes pride in being a good looking babe and have been well endowed in the chest area.But i also have pride in my smart brain and pleasant personality.

    One time a guy came up to me in the fruit aisle and said that he had found the best "melons" in the store refering to my b*****s. I told him I was not produce and to go down the aisle because I am a human being with expierences and feelings

    When someone makes such a superficial judgement it does annoy me, but as i said I try to be sweet and friendly too so I would try and see what his motives were but if they were just viewing me as a s*x object i woud be offended and annoyed

    I feel insulted because viewing a person as a mere s*x object degrades the signifigance of the rest of who they are.

    Get to know me and care about me and know the "real jenny" before even think about s*x

    its like these chat rooms that guys pm you with asl like all they care about is some cheap on line thrill That a cute girl would actually be in a political chat room to dicuss current affairs seems to elude these guys thinking

    If a guy apologized after I told him I was offended I would give him a second chance , but to guys who clearly view me as a commodity no way

  21. I am offended when a man offers to help me, period.  I don't need help, why does every man feel the need to help me?!  I am not offended when a man stares at my chest, though.  That just biology and can be flattering.

  22. Ah, no guy wants to help me :/

  23. i get angry. cause hes being so manipulative and dosent realize that i am i not dumb. of course dress modestly. if your b***s are hanging out then you are dumb anyway.

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