
Women, do you feel superior if you are older than your husband?

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My wife is older than me by one year. it doesn't bother either of us but I was curious.... this question is for women who are older than thier husbands. Do you repect him less because he is younger? Would you be more submissive if he was older? By submissive, I dont mean sexual, just in general.




  1. I was almost 3 yrs older than my husband and only very rarely did I pull the age card. I tell you what we did do once - we took an IQ test to see which of us was smarter - and we scored almost exactly the same!

    And yes - to be perfectly honest- I think if my husband was significantly older than me (not only a year) I would tend to be more respectful and submissive.

    Take care..

  2. No its a partnership and it doesnt really matter the age difference as neither individual should be submissive to the other.  

  3. we are equal  

  4. Ridiculous question.  It is not a marriage if one feels superior than the other for any reason.  Marriage is a partnership.  

  5. I'm 3 years older than my husband. No, I don't feel superior but I'm certainly not submissive and that has nothing to do with the age difference.

  6. My husband is 9 years older than me.  When we started dating I was 21 and he was 30.  he seemed much older and wiser.  Now I am 48 and he is 57 and the tides have changed.  He is still older and now I have the upper hand.  It is not a competition, I love him more than ever, but after a certain age, youth wins out.

  7. I wouldn't date some a man that is younger then me.  I'm 25.   btw i dint really think one year makes a big difference.

  8. I am 4 years older than my husband.  We celebrated our 23rd anniversary this past Sunday.  No, I don't feel superior to my husband.  I respect, admire and love him very much.  Although we know there is an age difference, we don't concentrate on it very much.  

  9. Nope!  What age are you though?  I mean if you were 18 and 19 maybe but not at say 45 and 46 it makes no difference a year surely!??!   My hubby is three years younger but much more mature than I and certainly looks older LOL!~

  10. I'm older then my fiance, and its my birthday today sorry I just had to say that, :-) I'm almost two years older then him, and I don't feel any different then if he would of been older, I think its a equal thing in the relationship and to us it doesn't matter about our age. so it doesn't bother or make anything different at all to us. Hope this helps.  

  11. I do not feel superior to anyone. You need to look up what partnership means because you can't have it both ways.  

  12. I'm not married to a younger man but I have dated a few guys that were younger than me.  To be honest there were times when I did feel superior to some of them but not all of them. Only because of the way they acted not because of a number.  There were younger men that acted like real men.  I felt and still feel like they are my equal.  As for being submissive h**l NO.  Marriage is a partnership.  If both people don't have equal rights it will only make one resent the other.

  13. love doesn't see age, surely you fall for the person unless the older one has a domineering trait or the younger has an immature outlook but that can also work the other way around so it would be wrong to view that as the age difference really,my ex was ten years younger but he was the one with sound advice and a level head  

  14. No I am older then my husband and I still respect him.  He also respects me.


  15. I don't think it matters.

    It's more about maturity and being with a person you respect and enjoy.

    Age is pretty insignificant for most women.

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