
Women, do you just vote for someone because they have indoor plumbing? Or do you look at the issues?

by Guest45373  |  earlier

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Because the republicans seem to think the vuh-j-j is going to carry your vote.




  1. They seem to forget that we also have brains and DO look at the issues.

    A 72 year old man w/ serious cancer issues who picks a totally inexperienced running mate is not acting in the best interest of his country. Palin is an appalling choice

  2. I'm not republican but I'm sure a woman and just because I'm woman doesn't mean I will be voting for a woman just because of gender and just to get a woman in the white house.  I as an American and a woman am looking in the long run in the real issues of this country.  


    GOD BLESS!    

  3. i would vote for a ideology

  4. Yes. Most of us go by a point value guide, and well, if you have a v****a you get so many more votes than someone with a p***s. How-ever if you have both then you get even more points. Also there's more points if you groom it properly. The list just goes on and on, but you're right we primarily vote for the females.

  5. tucking it in and wearing an ugly hairstyle do not count as indoor plumbing.

    (s)he's wack.

  6. Yall got indoor plumbing up there?  And you support my right to bear arms. You got my vote.

  7. Do you feel this way because you hate women or you just hate Republicans?

    I like the idea that McCain picked someone outside of DC.

    He went with a person who has executive experience, and has a record for standing up for the common man .

    But then again I think for myself, you outta try it some time.  

  8. I look at the issues that's why I am voting McCain. I am also smart enough to see what will happen if Obama gets into office. I read the issues and think by raising taxes for everyone that makes over $250,00 a year, raising mim wage, and taxing the businesses that don't offer health care, that the prices of everything will go up. Think about this your local supermarket, drug store, daycare, dollar stores, and other places near by, they don't offer health care, they pay mim wage, and they make over $250,000 a year. They are going to raise their prices to cover the increase they are paying in taxes.

    I don't understand why people can't see this.  

  9. If I was American, I would definitely be voting Obama.

    Mrs. Evangelical is a ploy by McCain... a very sad ploy for votes.

  10. Erm, no.

    And I doubt the republicans really put too much thought into that choice.

    I will vote for Obama.

  11. I look at the issues. That question, BTW, is as offensive as this one:

    "Blacks, do you just vote for someone because their skin absorbs light? Or do you look at the issues?"

  12. McCain appears to be counting primarily on the plumbing factor.

  13. I hate Sarah Palin ,after the way she insulted Hillary , forget it , she should be more loving and more socialist if she wants my family's vote .

  14. We look at the issues, and then we vote as our consciences dictate, as do (intelligent) men.

  15. I'm not a women, but I am holding out for a Candidate who is a Black Jewish L*****n,, if a President hits that many historical firsts they would have to do a good job. Amirite?

  16. Actually, I would vote for an anti-abortion, hunting, NRA member regardless of their genitalia.

  17. whats a republican?

  18. I vote for someone based on the issues solely.I could care less what party,gender, sexual orientation, religion, or color they are. There are a few exceptions to that.But that is my main strategy-issues.

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