
Women, how many nice, respectful, average-looking guys do you know that you are attracted to?

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This question is more for women in their 20s since after this age women tend to settle down and start pursuing the opportunities that had been staring them in the face all along. But for women in their 20s who say all they want in a man is honesty and a sense of humor and for him not to cheat, how many "guy friends" do you have around you who you know would make great boyfriends but you just aren't attracted to their nice, harmlessly funny and respectful ways?

Possibility: the stereotype that many young women like badboys/guys who keep them guessing/guys who playfully tease them/guys they can fix must be true.

I'm 23, smart, respectful, honest, very attractive and without a girlfriend simply because all of the decent-looking girls around my age are looking for just what I mentioned. Looks make a difference ladies, don't call me superficial.

What do you all think?




  1. All of my guy friends who truly those qualities have girlfriends. The ones who DON'T have girlfriends are the guys who are the typical "nice guy" who thinks he's entitled to dates because he's just soooo nice.

    How nice is a guy really if he thinks that he personally is what every woman should want in a man and has made the generalization that all women in their 20's must be shallow and into bad boys and therefore lacking in good judgment? Is a guy really that nice if his niceness is contingent upon getting laid?

  2. Just attracted to?...I don't know, I know quite a few average looking guys that I find attractive.  Mostly because of the things you mentioned...but they have confidence too.  Perhaps you do not fulfill these qualities like you think you do.  Also creating a relationship is not going down a checklist of qualities or qualifications.  It is simply "clicking" with another is often fairly unexplainable.

  3. I know I'm not a woman, but a lot of women are attracted to me because of my confidence, and gentlemen like traits. That includes a lot of women between the ages of 20 to 25.

    They can't have me though, because someone already took me, and I don't dare disrespect her!

  4. I think I'm very attracted to respectful, nice men around my age which like you is early twenties.

    I'd probably be attracted to you if you were as nice and respectful as you say you are.

  5. I believe looks make a difference but it all depends on the person.  My fiance' is nice and respectful and he is just the average guy.  

    But did you notice what you said "because all of the decent looking girls around my age"  You yourself are kinda doing what you are complaining about....women might be superficial when it comes to "bad boys" sometimes....but MEN are extremely superficial when it comes to looks....

  6. I think for one that you're disgruntled over the fact that there is a young lady you adore who just "wants to be friends". Remember that its not just guys who go through this. Women have this "I wanna be friends" thing happen to them as well. I know because I had it happen to me when I was younger. In my opinion, based on what I'm reading, you're feelings for her may be based more on her physical appearance than her mental being. And you wish that her emotions towards you matched yours for her. I see this happen all the time with young men.

    Keep in mind is that when you're in your 20's (or most people in their 20's); you really don't know what you want in a man or woman. You may have this long drawn out list of specifics that if someone doesn't fit, you kick them to the curb (and I’m sure you have your list handy as well). We all think we have life, love, and relationships figured out; until we reach the age of 30. By this time, we've experiences things in relationships with people that we thought was "what we wanted", only to find out the hard way that we had no idea what the h**l we where talking about.

    About the age of 30 a tinny light bulb comes on and you see people, places, experiences, and things in a whole new light. You look back on the men and women that crossed your path and realize that you let some really special and wonderful people pass based on your preconceived notion of "the perfect mate". At this time in your life, you realize that there is no such thing as the perfect man or woman, and you start to shorten that list that you and your buddies made while doing keg stands  (I've been there too, keg stands an all). I'm 29 years of age, and I can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I've stopped looking for the perfect man, and I've let the man that right for me, find me.

    So I think that you should just let your friend be, let her live and learn on her own; and allow yourself to have experiences with women who're willing to see you beyond your looks or what you may own. Spend time with the women who're looking for the same things in a potential mate that you yourself are, vs. trying to get with the "girl of your dreams". Because if you allow yourself to find the woman who has the same traits and qualities as yourself, she will be come that woman that you've always dreamed of.  In other words, instead of getting angry because young women won’t lower their standards for you, how about you lower your standards for most women. Stop looking for that perfect 10 and settle for a 5 or 6 and call it even. I’ve seen some of the most beautiful women, have the ugliest attitudes. And it’s funny that no matter what they do to men, they still wanna be with them. So the “hot girls” are just as bad and the “bad boys”. Some of you guys dive deep for the treasure chest (going above and beyond for a good looking girl), only to find out the chest holds nothing but emotional trash when you open it.

    Edit: Arty such a sweetheart!

  7. All of them.

  8. Yeah, I've got one.  I think he's very attractive, he thinks he's average looking.  But most of all he is respectful and considerate.  I'm going to marry him.  I'm 22.

    Here's a question for you now: Men, why do you claim you want a s*x goddess, and complain that women never want s*x and you can never get laid, and then reject a sexual (READ: enjoys s*x but is not trampy) woman for a virginal type who doesn't really enjoy s*x?  Oh yes, I've watched it happen.  Many times.  I dated a guy who'd considered marrying a woman with whom he'd had a four year relationship, who maybe gave him s*x once a week, and he said he was very dissatisfied with that, yet he was talking about marriage with her.  I'm not unattractive or overweight, either.  I've even been told I "look innocent" so it's not a S****y appearance that warranted this.

    So the stereotype is true: men choose to date women who don't really enjoy s*x, while complaining that they can't find any women who are sexual.

    That goes for most men I've known.  Luckily I have a nice, respectful man who embraces my sexuality and we have tons of fun.

  9. im only attracted to one man at the moment..and unfortunately he is online...i have not seen what he looks like..but he seems very sweet and kind..and that is what is attracting me to him so far.

    he is asian.

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