
Women, how would you respond?

by  |  earlier

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to a male stranger who says to you, "you weren't smiling yesterday."

If you did not want anything to do with him.




  1. I'd probably just nod and walk away.

    Then I'd avoid him for the rest of my life.

  2. Hes prolly wanting to get introduced to you but doesnt have a lead. You can handle it however you want to, but I will be eager to see your response to a question from a girl that goes something like "why wont men take the lead and start talking already".

    "If you did not want anything to do with him" - That is the key you can start ignoring him and he will get the idea.

  3. I wouldn't smile again today.

  4. I would say "And the same can be said for today." then exit.

    That is, unless one works in the service industry.  If he is a customer, client, or guest, obviously you wouldn't want to be rude.  A good response in that case would be a slight smile and a "May I help you, sir?"

    If he's just some random guy, that's creepifying.

  5. ignore him when he tries to say anything to you and definitely dont smile at him again today. and if he tries to pursue you in a conversation just tell him that you dont mean to be rude but you have to call your boyfriend or something in that manner and maybe he will get the hint that you are not interested in him.  good luck

  6. try to avoid him / places where you've seen him before.

    STALKER MUCH?! be careful!!

  7. "I knew you were looking" then go back to reading my book or whatever it was that I was doing before this strange unwanted man approached me.

  8. And i wont be smiling today.

  9. I'd just smile coldly and ignore him.

  10. I wouldn't respond. If I don't want anything to do with him, I'd just ignore him.

  11. He wouldn't be saying that to me, because if I had nothing to do with him; you can bet I would be staying the h**l away from him; no contact whatsoever.

  12. I would ask, "Have we met?"   and then watch him squirm.  If he was a smooth talker after my leading question, then I would get the h**l away from him and change my route the next day.

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