
Women, if abortion was criminalised, what would be your response?

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Would it change anything about your life and if so, what? :-)




  1. it wouldn't change my life because i have never had that done to me

  2. Since I wouldn't want to live in a country where I was a second class citizen, I'd move to a country where it was legal.

  3. Not for me personally but for future generations - it's a giant step backwards necessitating back alley abortions and folks flying to Mexico - just like they did before.

  4. I feel that people like rape victims and kids like 16 and even younger would be effected. I understand that the baby should not have to pay for it because the 16 yr old was doing something stupid. But I feel they shouldn't have to pay to live a crappy life because their mom is irresponsible and wish they were never born. I see both sides of it and my sister had to get an abortion because she got pregnant and because of her health they found that her and her baby would die if she chose to keep it. So should she be put in jail in that kind of circumstance. I feel it should be the woman's choice.

  5. I would throw a party!

  6. I'd think it was about time and wonder why it wasnt criminalized sooner. It's murder no matter how you look at it, or how you try to justify it, and I wonder why people fight so hard to keep that form of murder legal. Why is it more acceptable just because the victim doesn't have a voice yet?

  7. I would say thank you God.

  8. It wouldn't have much of an impact on me personally anymore since I'm largely past child bearing age but I hope my daughters are never put into the situation where they are faced with an unwanted pregnancy. Like in the past, that could mean an early marriage to someone they barely know or a stay in a home for unwed mothers where they are then expected to give the baby up for adoption. I really don't want to see a return to those days.

  9. It may not change my life much but it would change countless of others who deserve a chance at life.

    Feeding or not feeding an almost dead person does not impact my life in any way that I can see, But it does make me very happy to know they will live another day.

  10. If that ever happens...I will have to think very carefully before ever deciding to move further away from the Canadian border.

  11. I would say that there would be several new clinics in Canada.

  12. It wouldn't bother me, as I am past having children anyway.  But if I wasn't, I would take more care in using contraception.  It really isn't that difficult to avoid becoming pregnant if you put your mind to it.

  13. it wouldn't affect me personally, but it would affect many other women who deserve to have a choice of whether or not they want to have a child or not. i don't exactly approve of it as a moral decision, but i don't know know the woman's particular situation, and there must always be choice.

    "I will choose what enters me, what becomes flesh of my flesh. Without choice, no politics, no ethics lives. I am not your cornfield, not your uranium mine, not your calf for fattening, not your cow for milking. You may not use me as your factory. Priests and legislators do not hold shares in my womb or my mind. If I give it to you, I want it back. My life is a nonnegotiable demand." - Marge Piercy

  14. Make it illegal and you'll make me a rich man...

  15. I doubt it would happen in Canada. And even if it did, I doubt that I'll ever need one; I take contraception VERY seriously. But it won't help anyone; as we have seen, abortion rates will only go up, and the process will be far more risky.

  16. ..i'd be happy if it prevents death.. but i'll be sad to see women go to jail -bcoz there must be some real big problem if it's criminalized already, yet women still find reason to do it.. (like perhaps, being a victim of incestous rape..etc..)

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