
Women, what's the ultimate date breaker?

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When a man talks about how ugly he is, or when he talks about how much money he has?

Both are bad, but if you had to pick ONE, which would you pick?




  1. And I always thought it was because I scratched my cajones and  passed gas.

  2. Going on about the looks...

    He may be just using the "I'm so ugly, no one could ever possibly love me" thing to try to get a mercy f*** by getting the woman to feel sorry for him and "help" him regain his confidence. It's one of the oldest lines in the book designed to get into someone's pants!  

    After he's been "healed" he'll more than likely dump the "healer", and then he'll probably pull the same sad sack c**p next weekend with someone else whom he thinks is equally as gullible...and who also has a Savior complex.

    If a guy ever pulled that on me, I'd say, "well, you know, you really  have to learn to love yourself before someone else can love why not go into the bathroom and have at it?" and then I'd ask for the check! lol

  3. How ugly he is. It's make me feel like c**p, too.

  4. Ugly.  I don;t have to be told.  I'm not blind.

  5. How much money he has.   While wooing a chick, wealthy dudes tend to let their money speak for them.  Granted, it probably works a lot.  But not for me, i prefer a guy who DOES things over one who HAS things.  Not to mention, bragging is always a huge turn off.

  6. When he talks about how much money he has or how much he spent on (insert frivilous item here) is definitely top on my list. "You have money, wow thanks cool, I have money too." "You spent HOW MUCH on that car?" "You do know you could have gotten a less ostentanious car with better gas mileage, better body, safer build and in general better looking than that for a MUCH cheaper price, right?"

    I also hate arrogant guys who think asking me to dinner should make me so thankful I will get down on my knees and worship his teeny weeny.

    If I can't come together with a guy over mutual interests, common respect, humor and hope that a healthy relationship will eventually come then he isn't worth my time.

  7. The man talking about how ugly he is.... definitely. Nothing is less attractive than a low self esteem. I would take a pompous as*hole any day.  Oh god...neither are any good really. lol

  8. The man who talks about how ugly he is. Self-deprecation is not s**y. So I guess I'd rather get stuck with the gloater. At least maybe I'd get a good dinner out of it.

  9. Men are never as ugly as they think they are.  And, men never have as much money as they say they have.  So, because I always have plenty of my own money and a man's money doesn't impress me, and because I never date a loser who who whine negatively about himself or about how ugly he was, I'd probably just go climb Mt. St. Helens by myself for the weekend and see who I meet there.  I don't settle.  I keep looking.

  10. Ugly.  UGH, I wouldn't be on a date with him if he were ugly, so if he's saying that it means he has no self-confidence.  I hate that.  If he's bragging about his money at least he's not putting himself down.

  11. A man who talks about how ugly he is is more boring than anything. The second guy would just make me want to scream, especially considering that the last thing I want in the world is some guy's money. So I'd pick the first guy.

  12. Hmmmmmmm, good question.

    In my experience, people who introduce you to the subject of their money early on are either liars, egomaniacs or almost totally materialistic and shallow. Either way, YUK!!!!

    Someone with low self esteem is offputting to me (dating wise, not necessarily friendship wise), but if a guy is not classically gorgeous and is witty about it or uses it to show he is not a superficial type, then that can be interesting.

    I guess if he whinges about not being good looking enough, that would be awful, but if he simply talks about his appearance in a  matter of fact way, that would be fine.

    Cheers :-)

  13. Money.   How much or how little.....

  14. It's unrealistic that a guy who is insecure will talk about how ugly he.  After all, he will not have that much confidence to go out on a date with you.

    A guy who brags about how much money he makes is arrogant and cocky.  This would be a date breaker for me.

  15. deng. lol. when he talks about how much money he has. GRRRRR. stu pid show offs.

  16. Never try to impress a woman- why would a man choose to do that anyway?  "Talks about how ugly he is"? No competent man would say something like this- so yeah I agree, women, you should break a date with any man who would say something to that effect.

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