
Women, what if a man suddenly jumped up from somewhere and asked you to have s*x with him?

by  |  earlier

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  1. If he jumped out and startled me I may slap him on the carotid artery and run away.

  2. Id walk to the lamp post/ stop sign/other various thing outside and say to it...

    " i think he is talking to you"

    and then pat it

    then come back to him and say...

    " ok its ready...but be gentle...its really's its first time"

    and then walk away humming the smurf song.

  3. I would say "Is 150 dlls..."...No, seriously, there's not polite way to do that, is unrespectful per se.

  4. I'd ignore him and continue on my way.

  5. I would say  no and walk very quickly in the opposite direction.

  6. Probably I'd rather go for something I've done before, like dancing together.

  7. How cute is he?

    I'm such a snob.

  8. if you dont know the girl i wouldn't ask these days you pop up on a girl out of no where askin u wanna have s*x with me theres a good chance your getting massed or tazered. Inless she looked S****y and these days most girls are S****y they think one night stands and sleeping around is "liveing life" and that there as cool as the girls on "s*x and the city" there not 1 in 4 teens have an STD 1 in 5 adults have herpes. were a condom every time!

  9. In the UK? I'd say 'no thanks'.

    This has happened to me, in this country and in India. In India I actually found the only effective response was to look bored and ignore them, otherwise they would be persistent.

  10. My child, when you have learned to be respectful and nice to a woman, then she will give you some.   And only then.

  11. No, thanks.

    - LBF

  12. How do you jump up and ask someone to have s*x in a polite and charming way?

    But assuming it could be done, and he was not threatening, I would simply refuse, and go elsewhere.

  13. What does he look like? Is he at least somewhat polite and discreet about it? Is there anything suspicious about him?

  14. ask?

  15. If you also have desire go ahead with him or throw him off

  16. pandas do not approve of such behavior, unless the female panda found the male panda to be attractive. is this the case?

  17. It would depend on where he's jumping up from.

    Sewer?  No way, Jose.

    Library?  It would be too loud and disturb people's concentration.

    Pool of vomit?  I'll pass, thanks.

    Boyfriend from out of the shower (or some other equally not-disgusting place)?  Why not!

  18. no of course

  19. Kick him in the balls.  No I am kidding..I'd politely tell him I am married.

  20. how can jumping up to a stranger to ask for s*x ever be polite? How is that not disrespectful?

    my daddy always told me, "son, women aint just a peice of meat, your mother is a woman and your sisters will grow up to be women,  so remember, women aren't s*x objects, they're mothers, and sister, they're people and we must respect them"

    if i really was taken by a girls beauty, having s*x wouldn't be the first thing i request from her...maybe her name first.

  21. I would call the police and say he is sexually harassing me and have the pervert arrested!

  22. turn him down.

  23. shoot id havve s*x with him

  24. Spray him with pepper spray and run.

  25. Never works for me, and I'm more charming than that guy outta Greenacres.

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