
Women, which of these two types of guys do you like best...?

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A man who may be average looking, but with strong traditional masculine features and characteristics.

Or a guy who's a looks like a "pretty boy", who makes the women faint. (i.e Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt, etc)




  1. You know what? I like kinda nerdy guys. Or rather, smart men is I guess a better way to put it.

    An average looking intelligent man sounds mighty fine to me. Luckily I have a science-loving, circuit-building boyfriend who isn't too tough on the eyes. I guess you could say I am a lucky gal.

  2. Probably choice #1

  3. I don't like either of those types. I don't have a "type."

  4. average man with masculine features for me, though i do admit to having a thing for geeks.

  5. The one with the most cash popping out of his wallet... duh!!

    EDIT: RIO.. you are lying. You said in MY question that you only date WHITE men. White white and only white. So you do have a type.

  6. choice A please

  7. Average looking masculine for sure!  I ask every man I date to grow out a full beard.

  8. It would all depend on his peronality, what he is like etc. But I personally prefer the second, like Johnny Depp who my Mum thinks is girly.

  9. The things you mention are not what I look for in a man. I got lucky when I found mine because he is just right for me, and he is neither of those things you talk about.

  10. To be completely honest, it would depend on what they were like. I know it sounds like a cop-out but for me, at least, personality is a HUGE factor.

  11. pretty boy...because most of us arent looking for a "big stromg man" we want someone who will sweep us off our feet and make us fall in love. and it's really easy to see those kind of guys doing that sort of thing.

  12. first kind i think. i mean, there obviously has to be something attractive about him, but ive always been one to go for the strong bad boys. pretty boys seem way too young and silly or something

  13. Hmmm...I don't actually care about physical appearance that much.  I sometimes find the most unlikely people attractive.

  14. How does this question fit into gender and women studies? This question should be in the teenage girl category. Gender and women studies is a bit more serious, dealing with issues affecting women in past, furture and contemporary societies.

  15. wouldn't call brad pitt a pretty boy...leo is a pretty boy

    between the two the more masculine man

    Kreamy...thats what women's studies is out in the real/college world..  It falls short of that here in GWS.

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