
Women, who approaches you most often?

by Guest60920  |  earlier

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Do you feel that you get approached more respectfully or disrespectfully?

What do you consider disrespectful approaching?

Are you considered attractive?

What race tends to pick you up most?

What race are you?




  1. I have so many thoughts in my head every time I notice guys around me. I don't know for sure if they're interested in me, but what I know is they're so simple and very good at determining the easy women and women with a high-standard. If a guy approaches you when you're not behaving like a cheap, easy, and weak woman with a low self-esteem, that guy is trustworthy and worth a response. But, the lower-grade guys will get off autonomously when they realize the woman is too good for him.

  2. Both. It depends on where I am, whether it's a bar or school.

    Someone grabbing me, like some guy did at a recent concert.  

    People say I'm, but that also depends on how I'm carrying myself..I look plain at school, but look more attractive in the evening.

    White, black and Hispanic.

    I'm East Indian.

  3. Do you feel that you get approached more respectfully or disrespectfully?

    hmm. disrespectfully...most of the time ahahaha

    What do you consider disrespectful approaching?

    well, just a stuck-up attitude. and a bawdy sense of humor

    Are you considered attractive?

    i don't know what people think of me..

    What race tends to pick you up[you mean approach?] most?


    What race are you?


  4. Men are mostly respectful towards me when they hit on me. I'm sure it helps that I don't come across as S****y.

    Disrespectful approaches include making comments about "certain" body parts: b*****s, buttocks, etc. Commenting on anything below the neck is generally mildly rude. Making presumptuous, overly familiar comments such as "Hey, baby, need a man in your life?" Or "d**n, I want me some of that!" or calling me by ANY name/label/nickname other than "miss", "ma'am" or my name is disrespectful, and amounts to objectification. Whistles, hoots and hollers are disgusting. Yelling for my attention is disgusting. Making comments about me to someone else while I'm within earshot is very disrespectful.  Also, I find it disgusting when a man tries to pick me up by boasting, i.e. about his possessions, wealth, fame, desirability, etc., or when he "flashes cash" where I can see. A man should refrain from explicitly asserting his desire, which is very uncomfortable for me, and should instead speak to me in civilized tones and with neutral, civilized words. Compliments should be kept discreet. I expect to be treated with the same amount of decorum you would use to address a female boss.

    Am I considered attractive? Well, I used to model. Yes, most men find me physically attractive.

    All different races tend to try to pick me up. White, black, hispanic and other assorted groups, in about equal proportions.

    I'm white, and for reference, I'm 24.

  5. I am English but most people assume I am latin because of my features. I find it's mostly indian/foreign men that like me.

    I have never had any one approach me disrespectfully, they all treat me like a lady.

  6. Do you feel that you get approached more respectfully or disrespectfully?

    - respectfully for the most part

    What do you consider disrespectful approaching?

    - when men are trying to show off in front of their friends (one guy had bought a camera and he was taking pictures of me as a way of 'complimenting' me or something), or even when they are by themselves and they say something sexually-based... or they do cat calls, or they say things seen in freaking rap videos ("ay bay bay" or "hey there mah"...), or they ask you out in a stuck up cocky way like there is no way I would say no.

    Are you considered attractive?

    - it really depends.  I really think my looks are average, but I'm one of those women who needs to show off the whole package to be considered attractive (specifically my body baha).. UNFORTUNATELY, I'm one of those females who get checked out more during the summer and I don't have some jacket covering me up... there are women who are "attractive" all year round, etc no matter what they wear.. you know what I mean =T sigh..

    What race tends to pick you up most?

    - White

    What race are you?

    - Asian/Chinese.

  7. 1. I think both.

    2. hollarin', cat calling and other stuff like that

    3. i suppose so i'm not too sure

    4. black

  8. Do you feel that you get approached more respectfully or disrespectfully?


    What do you consider disrespectful approaching?

    Just pushing too much.  I don't mind being approached, but if I'm not interested, I'm not interested. Being pushed pisses me off.

    Are you considered attractive?


    What race tends to pick you up most?

    For some reason, Mexican men LOVE me!  They are always checking me out and flirting with me.  I've been hit on by most races, though.

    What race are you?


  9. Do you feel that you get approached more respectfully or disrespectfully?

    Disrespectfully, mostly

    What do you consider disrespectful approaching?

    trying to pick me up at work, being rude or catty, put-downs as pick-ups, etc

    Are you considered attractive?

    i'd say i am

    What race tends to pick you up most?

    well, where i live there are like four people who aren't mostly white

    What race are you?


  10. I'm black or African American. And I seem to get approached more by White and Hispanic men then I do black men. I think I'm attractive, but most Black men tend to not approach me for the simple fact that I'm of a darker complexion. But the White and Hispanic guys love me.

  11. Do you feel that you get approached more respectfully or disrespectfully?


    What do you consider disrespectful approaching?

    approached to be gawked at, scrutinized by another (usually women) so that they can try to find a flaw in me and say something to boost their own ego, a man just staring and staring, or saying something tasteless and tactless (usually something sexual).

    Are you considered attractive?

    people love my face for some reason, my friends call me 'doll face'

    What race tends to pick you up most?


    What race are you?


    I am at the point where I hate being stared at and I wish i could be more "average" and just blend into the crowd. I don't handle attention well, and I am very sensitive so I am affected when an envious woman walks by and says something negative about me in passing.

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