
Women, why do men think that they dont have to do housework?

by  |  earlier

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So today my dad comes home and tells me that my mom doesnt feel good so I HAVE to do the dishes. I dont understand why men think they can order women around, and expect them to do all the cleaning. he does this all the time and doesnt even ask for me to do it, he tells me to.




  1. Traditionally women have done the housework indoors, and men had done the housework out of doors, i.e. the yard, household repairs, car work, etc.  As a member of the family, however, I don't see where he is out of line in assigning you additional chores when your mother isn't feeling up to it.  Get off your spoiled little butt and help your parents.

  2. well this is no way that when you are given work you can it discrimination.. if your mom is not well  a child must help out.. a boy or girl...

  3. Men don't think that. I do housework with my wife and sometimes I do it for my wife. And with YOU being his child and YOU living up under HIS roof, he can order YOU around all he wants! The nerve of you coming on here with a question like that!!

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