
Women, would you give a guy like this a chance?

by  |  earlier

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First time he saw you, he was just staring at you for at least six seconds until you looked at him like "WTF" and he embarassingly looked away.

Since then, he just stares at you with one of his buddies who you befriended before meeting him...

He comes up to you once or twice a week and just stares at you and, and when you try to speak or hand him something, he starts stuttering, and you just walk away.

He stares at you all the time while picking his nails from afar.

He talks to EVERYONE, including "beautiful girls" of his race...yet can not talk to you

When you two were finally alone together, he just picked his nails and stared. You make convo to be polite and he just is sarcastic. But you see him staring and you make more convo and he starts to stutter and just nod his head profusely when you ask him questions. You tell him your name and he nods as if he already knows.

He's cute, but would you find his behavior a bit of a turn off? Would I have to take care of him? (Dependant)




  1. move on to the next case

  2. He sounds like he's in love with you and unbearably shy. Carry on talking to him, but if he is still exactly the same then this will be very irritating.

  3. im not sure why he's not talking to me and stares at me all the time.

  4. Thats weird. But I would try and simply ask him if he likes you or if somethings the matter. So I guess yeah you would have to take care of him. But kind of a turn off if he doesn't step up his game.

  5. RUN- run really fast.  I think no one should waste time and energy on this kind of guy.  If he can't talk and be polite and he does the stalker like behavior you need to forget about him and his childish ways.

  6. A chance to do what, stare himself into a coma? No thanks.  I could get the same effect from a blow-up doll.

  7. he sounds like a creep... or a r****d... who nos.... he cud be dangeros to... id stay far away from him...

  8. I'd give him one more chance but that's it.  Everyone deserves a second chance I think.  But he doesn't sound like much of a catch to me.  Good luck  :)

  9. Yes, his behavior is a big turn off.

    i would not give him a chance because this just shows how the rest of the relationship is gonna go..

  10. that sounds weird. maybe he's just really shy and stutters when you talk to him cause maybe he really likes you but he's too shy to say it.

    before me and my boyfriend started going he did the same thing. he would stare at me everytime i entered the lunch room and when i finally got the nerves to talk to him cause im shy myself i asked him why he always stared at me and his face turned really red so i knew he liked me and he told he thought i was cute, lol. and like a couple days later on halloween he told me he liked me.

  11. How old is this person? If he's 30, he has serious issues. If he's 16, you can cut him a little slack. But it sounds like you need to write him an e-mail and see whether he is at least capable of being articulate.

  12. Um he sounds Weird and awkward and i would find his behavourior a turn off - kinda creepy actually!

  13. Did this flop in singles & dating?

    He sounds like a socially inept tool... but if you break him out of it he could be quite interesting.

  14. He is obviously infatuated with you.

  15. It sounds like pheromone overload. You see a women your ultra attracted to.. And the mind overloads and shuts down.

         Pretty much most higher brain function becomes wiped out

    and you feel frozen. Kind of like being in "shock".

    He is so attracted to you that it sends him into a form of shock to a degree.

         The best bet would be to break him out of that shock before you start to even think about giving him a chance.

         Try to find a mutual activity that you both enjoy(something active) and see if that brings him out or not.

    Either way he will regret not being more "aggressive" or "outgoing"(what ever term works) for a long time if he doesn't shape up.

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