
Women,do U ever see guys whom U see as socially beneath U?

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What I mean is that a guy is such a loser,that women don't want him around,even in the 'we're just friends' kind of way,whether even if he was on your socioeconomic level or not. I'm 1 of those kind of males,so bad I was even beat up and hit upon by other girls in high school!




  1. For one, I would never say someone is socially beneath me. NO one is beneath me. For we're all created in the image of god and we should be treated like his children.

    Now, there are some men that I will admit who put themselves in the position to be looked down upon the way they carry themselves. Those who are obnoxious, those who do things to bother and pester the women they find attractive (taking it back to the elementary playground) or those who have a very low opinion of women (like some of the trolls in here). I honestly don’t think women look at some men as being beneath them, as much as they do viewing a man as being childish in his behavior. This can lead a woman to not want to have anything to do with you.

  2. My friends told me that they used to go to school with a guy like that. I don't know if anyone beat him up, but I expect that they did.

  3. I do see some people as beneath me- The degenerate, derelict idiots who live next door are a prime example.  (Domestics in the front yard every night, screaming obscenities at their two-year-old, etc.)  On the whole though, I don't, only when it is in my face.

    Do I date them (the sort of person I mentioned above)? NO, NEVER! I have far too much respect for myself.  But as I said- that is about the only 'class' distinction I make.  As long as they are decent people, I try not to judge based on how much money they have, or how far up the social ladder they are.

  4. I thought that you meant "see" as in "date," but after reading the other answers, I'm not sure now.  I was going to say that yes, I have dated beneath me several times, but I always felt that I was "slumming," and I have also been married a few times but always married people I saw as socially above me!

  5. There are men that i think are not on the same level I am on, but I wouldnt fight them. No one should have did that to you. You should value  yourself and not let other people determine your socioeconomic level.

  6. Here?  All the time.

  7. I should hope no one ses anyone who they think of as beneath them.  And if that leave me out of the equation, then so be it.

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