
Women,what subject really bore you when guys bring them up?

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When I talk about politics too much, women tend to want to change the subject.




  1. nothing really bores me, I'll listen to's more that I am bored by someone I don't like so..

  2. never talk about polatics with a girl

  3. s*x..

    dont talk about it be about it.

  4. Well for the moment, I have a male friend that always brings up Philosophy and wants to talk about that all day. I try and be a good friend and just listen and comment when I can, but that is waaaaay over my head and its kind of tiring trying to keep up with what he is saying half the time.

  5. I like talking politics, the women you know must be dumb or something. im only a teenager, i dont see how that can be boring though, but to many people it is. thats why idiots are in office because people are ignorant about politics and they vote for whoever.

  6. its bores me when they talk about  history and electronics.

  7. Cars and sports bore the c**p out of me.  Politics are interesting, but I don't tend to want to talk about them a great lengths, either.

  8. depends on the girl, if she likes sports than it does not matter if you talk to her about that, maybe something like your job everyday kinda thing, cause  that would seem dull, i mean you talk about it cause you might want to release some stress but too much is kinda like feeling youre not in on the job. and anything that has to do with travel i think will always be a hit, who doesnt wanna talk about what they would wanna do if they could travel anywhere with a loved one...cause i could go on and on about moving to italy or spain and sitting in cafes and having a freakin beer lol.

  9. It is not the subject, but the moment.  If the moment and the wording is right, there should be no problem.  Now remember in conversations there should be a balance, a little bit of everything, because if you stick to one subject it could get boring.

  10. i LOVE talking politics! and my fiance couldn't care less!

    i get bored when men talk about which team gets first draft pick, video games, fantasy leagues, etc.

    i wanna talk about the REAL world!!

  11. Any motor of some kind cars, bikes.. etc and politics BORING!

  12. politics,weather, thanks

  13. Yes, politics and religion are quite boring. Really anything the other person finds fascinating and keeps talking about is a bore, especially talking too much about themselves. Finding out about someone is interesting, but when they want to tell you all (toot their own horn) you start to think negatively about them. It's better to find out about what your date is interested in and keep the politics talk for other friends who have the same interest.

  14. for me it's guitars/music theory that realllly bores me

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