
Women's Rights?!?!?

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Where in the world today and in the past has there been No women's rights?

Women's Rights where are they not practiced?

Where do women have no rights?

I need help :/




  1. All middle Eastern countries.

  2. well many 3rd world countries are suffering under the burden of female suppression. Look into africa countries, india, middle east countried etc. It is usually written into their unwritten traditions/cultures. such as, a woman cannot picl her husband or a woman's parent's permission (not the woman's permission) is the only one needed to set the woman up with the man. Meanwhile the guy's permission is sought. I know this one b/c someone tried that one on me and i had to tell them a thing or two about what i thought about that

  3. eskimo culture has no women's rights.  they live in such a barren place that "hunting and gathering" does not take place - it's really just hunting.  therefore, the women have no job other than raising children.  in anthropology they claim that eskimo women are commonly "used and abused."


  5. In some Muslim countries women's rights are severely restricted.  Afghanistan under the Taliban was probably about the worst you could get, but even today women's rights there are pretty restricted i think.  Saudi Arabia is another country where their rights are restricted, they don't have the vote, can't drive cars, can't show their faces in public etc.  In some countries where officially have equal rights with men, a lot of women are still quite badly treated.  In India, for instance, they still have female infanticide, forced marriages, dowry murders etc, though I believe these things are all technically illegal.

    How much work a woman does is not necessarily indicative of her status in society.  Plenty of societies where women work very hard indeed are not societies where women have particularly high status.  It is quite normal in many societies for women to labour in the fields all day, as well as doing all the domestic work etc, but that doesn't give women high status.

    And restricted rights do not necessarily prevent women from achieving things.  Ambitious women in male-dominated societies have sometimes managed to achieve positions of power.  other women have managed to exercise their intellectual talents, despite their social status being low.  In medieval China, for instance, where women were generally regarded as being inferior to men, nevertheless quite a lot of women became well-known as poets and artists.  In medieval Japan, where again the status of women was not particularly high, nevertheless there were several notable women writers.

    Generally speaking, women in western society have usually had more rights than in the rest of the world. There has never been a time in western society when women had no rights, but the degree of rights they possessed has varied considerably over time.  women generally had very restricted rights in the classical period, with an improvement in the medieval period, more restrictions in the early modern period, and becoming very much more restricted in the 18th/early 19th centuries, with a gradual improvement from the middle of the 19th century.

    The story of women's rights in western society is not one of steady progress or steady decline, but more like a wave rising and falling.

  6. You do better to look at gender roles, than rights, because in most culture your role determines what rights you have (there are some cultures where a woman may be considered masculine and be assigned a male gender role, vice versa for men).

  7. Saudi Arabia would be a starter for you- lots of other ones as well.

  8. Try most countries and provinces. The middle east, China, Africa, etc. America and western culture are the only ones. Except maybe Japan, but their more structured and controlled.
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