
Women's boxing?

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Can women do boxing? Aren't women genetically incapable of punching properly? If it was a professional hair pulling and calling each other names contest then I could see it working. Just can't see this taking off. Anyone got any thoughts on this?




  1. women boxing whats wrong with that? cause they can punch properly. probably not as powerfull as a man could but sure a woman boxer cud knock u out lol

  2. Im female and i box (with mostly guys) the only problem is,because of the lack of female boxers its difficult for me to fight properly as there is no matches around, so i spar quite frequently. And some of the guys are pathetic, you d be surprised at how techniques vary between people.

  3. Do you think punching capability starts within the human gene? I've heard some daft things in my life...

    I'm female, enjoy watching boxing and have had a tiny amount of boxing experience.

    However, I have to agree with some of the other comments and don't believe women's boxing will have the same coverage on TV as mens which is pretty much the same for football. Maybe it's due to women not having the same sponsorship or level of payouts as men so the appeal to go pro for women is less. Take tennis for example, women generally get paid less than men but draw more crowds. How's that for equality?

    Check out Ali's daughter and tell us she's incapable of throwing a punch. She'd have you on the canvas before you blinked.

    They say ignorance is bliss, must be great to live in your little world.

  4. she could probably knock you out

  5. women are capable of anything. it wont take off though because super muscular women look disgusting. i hate all boxing

  6. i think its anyones sport male or female, but i just dont really enjoy watching a woman being smashed up it seems immoral in a sense, its more of a mans sport in my own opinion, a woman being knocked out is just weird i rekon, i agree tho i dont see it taking off in the future , its like domestic violence basically but broadcasted, a woman being punched is just abit dodgy

  7. I like woman boxing on the undercards of big fights because it gives you a chance to go get a break before the real fights come on

  8. Bloody barbaric.

  9. h**l yeah they can and prob knock out a guy and they can handle more pain than men dont forget
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