
Women's health: I'm scared, please help!?

by  |  earlier

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my period, I'm late! I've been menstratuing since I was 10 I think and I'm 13 its iiregular? I'm late! and I'm scared!! idk what to doo I'm like..1 week late!! and btw I am a virgin and will stay one til I'm married!! so preganancy is not the cause!

I'm scared.

tell me what to do and what wrong with me!!!




  1. your period is gonna be messed up fo the first few years and maybe even after that don't worry about it! you should be fineee

  2. Dude your stressing about the issue will only make the period come even later. Irregular periods are actually normal. I havent been on in two months. Im not pregnant or anythng but thats just how my period is. Tons of things can effect your period. Read about it here

    I dont theres anything to worry about  

  3. Nothing is wrong. your period is just irregular because you are young

  4. Hey, no worries! My periods were totally irregular for the first few years. It's completely normal to skip a month every now and then, or for it to be a week or two late, for at least 4 years after you start your period. Also, heavy exercise, sports, or rapid weight loss can cause your period to stop for a time.  


  6. your happens...if it continues to bother you talk with your dr.

  7. Nothing is wrong with you.  Those things happen all the time.  One time, just out of the blue, I was 26 days late.  You can skip your period because of changes in diet and exercise too.  It will start don't worry.  If it's been regular for 3 years, there isn't anything wrong with you.  It will come, trust me.

  8. Ok if your a virgin you have nothing to worry about. You are still young and your not going to have a regular period all the time. Heck if I wasn't on birth control my period wouldn't be regular. You will be fine some times there is nothing in your system that your body needs to get rid of so you are fine. If it still bugs you go to your doctor and talk to them. Maybe talk about getting on birth control so you will have your period every time of the month.

    So nothing is wrong with you and you can calm down don't worry be happy your don't you have years to go with it.

  9. Why the h**l did you advertise this dumbass question on mine?

  10. relax there is nothing are young and periods are not regular for you yet..just relax it will come.

  11. Calm down! You're young, most kids your age have irregular periods. Worry, stress, etc. can cause your period to be late, or you can even skip a period. No worries. If you're this worried, go talk to a doctor.

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