
Women's monthly cycle?

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I have had my period 3 times this month and I dont know why. Can any one explain why this is or a negative out come that may come out of this?

I heard this can deplete my iron and it is from stress.

Is this true or is there another reason?




  1. Yes, it can cause you be anemic, it is not normal and you do need to go to the doctor.  You can get an injection of progesterone and it can stop your bleeding.  Don't hesitate on getting this checked out, it could be an indication of endometriosis or a number of things.  Please, go get it checked out.

  2. It is just irregualar. if it doesn't pick up on a pettern, then go on birth control.  

  3. It can deplete your iron, so get an over the counter iron supplement. Chances are it's just not fully regular yet; make sure you're eating well and if this continues for a couple months, talk to your doctor. It's probably only stress if you're VERY stressed out and not eating right or are very anxious.  

  4. How old are you? Sometimes when you're still pretty young, your period can be really irregular and it can come back 3 times in one month like you're saying. As for iron, you should pick up some vitamins from the drugstore with lots of iron just in case. You can never be too careful. I've had my period for about 7 years now and mine are still irregular. I had to get on birth control because of it. My periods were also really bad, I would bleed  A LOT and I would have horrible cramps, headaches, etc. I would suggest that you go to your gynecologist (if you don't have one, get one) and tell them what's going on so they can help you more. Hope this helped some.

    P.S. Make sure you ALWAYS have pads or tampons in your purse and/or your car. When you're irregular like this, you really don't have an idea of when you're going to start your period again or where you'll be when it happens. Better safe than sorry.  

  5. Stress could be the cause, or it could be something else that is causing your hormones to be off balance, a change in diet, weight gain or lose are examples.

    If you are bleeding heavily than it is possible that you are losing iron, and it could cause anaemia.  To counteract this make sure you eat a diet high in iron.  Lots of dark green leafy veggies, broccoli, legumes, cereals, etc.  This will ensure that you are replenishing your iron count everyday.

    If your period continues like this for another month, you should consult your doctor to make sure that it is nothing serious nature.  Most likely things will balance themselves out again though.
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