
Women's rights..?

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How can socierty help protect the rights of women?




  1. I take it you live somewhere where they're actively trying to take them away?

    I recommend guns though, that's proven to work pretty well.

  2. How can I teach our stupid and feminazi society that men and women have rights? In your little mind only women have rights.

  3. Listen to women, understand that every unique living creature is important and different, and educate ourselves and our children. Be open-minded and think.

  4. The best way to protect the rights of women, and indeed the best way to protect women is by giving them appropriate rights.

    Women have had not only equal rights but extra rights for several decades now.

    The problem with granting women these rights is that they simply don't have the intellectual capacity to be able to make sensible use of them.

    They simply do not know what is best for themselves.

    I think the best example of what happens when women are given rights is the 2girls1cup video.

    If this is what women do with their 'equality' and 'liberation', it would seem that it was a mistake to grant them these rights.

    In the same way that the rights of a child are different to an adult, the rights of a woman should be different to those of a man.

  5. well, i think they can start by ending the d**n abortion debate and stop trying to pass government regulations that control women's reporductive choices. the media could stop objectifying and sexualizing women, depicting them solely as objects to the male desire. maybe if women were payed the same rate as men and weren't pitted against each other in the workplace. theres a lot of injustice, and when people talk about women's rights and feminism they talk as if its a battle thats been won, as if there is still not sexism, nor racism or homophobia for that matter. this narrative of success also stigmatizes women that are feminists and especially the word feminism itself. i guess the best way to begin to create a more egalitarian society and protect women's rights would be education, of what feminism really means and how oppression is actually operating in this country

  6. By getting out there. Start social actions. Stand up for women and their equality. I do not care what colour of skin, or gender you are... we need to start to treat eachother as equals. What makes men so much more powerful??? Well that is traced back to the times the Pagans were powerful...these wise women were the healers, shamons, ect. Then the priest of the Catholics demonised their gods, created an injust and unequal playing field....

    Yet... I pride my self as a feminist and a Roman Catholic - oh the irony

  7. ...

    I think it is doing fine now. The conflicts that remain are mostly social. Like, should females become construction workers if they are more likely to get hurt and how would that affect insurance? Should women be allowed to abort pregnancies even in the later trimesters?

    And too much tip-toeing around being politically incorrect and overly feminist creates inconsistencies like the hypocritical stigma against stay-at-home dads and the idea that men can rape but women can't.

    There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and as a woman, I think that the best way to protect everyone's rights is to find an equal balance while maintaining reason. Time will tell if that will happen.
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