
Women's rights?

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is a man and womens rights equal now?

if not its improved tho right?




  1. Canada has a very good record on gender equality, at least relative to a few other industrialized nations.

  2. you need some more rights, right to learn how to spell and put a sentence together

  3. Women in Western society have rights and special privileges that men don't even have.

  4. Is not equal. Women have much more righties and much less responsabilities, yet they play the victim card.

  5. It was equal 50 years ago. Feminists are fighting for equal outcome and marxists ideals, not equality.

  6. not entirely equal, woman can not be drafted or serve in direct combat

  7. Women can do anything a man can do. Our rights are equal, and its been for a while. Where have you been?

  8. It's pretty much equal in the UK, unfortunately the same can't be said across the rest of the world.  In most developed countries things are much better though, yes :-)

  9. its better but still not =

    i have a HUGE dilemma help plz;...

  10. Sure it's improved.  Women can vote right?  But it's not equal.  Just ask divorce attorneys.

  11. Legally yes.  There is still some needed to be done with how those laws are carried out...on both sides.

  12. it's probably not completely according to the average person but with hillary up there really close to presidency i'd say we're doin alright. = )

    HILLARY '08!

  13. As soon as a woman can p**s out a campfire, they will be equal.

  14. When men have the special privileges that women have or when women no longer have them at all then we will be equal.

  15. Nope,woman have more leverage.

  16. how is it that we have equal rights when we are still have to encounter the glass ceiling effect in most of our jobs? How many women are CEO of major corporations? How many women are partners in their law firms? How many women work on wall street? How about Clinton's speech where the idiot held a sign that stated Iron my shirt? Do you think she was treated equally? Has it improved , yes in many ways however our society has a long way to go.

  17. no not yet

    especially in some developing countries women have very few rights

    yes it has improved alot :)

  18. Not exactly.  There are still a lot of sexist people in the world.  Even America.  Look at all the people who won't vote for Clinton because she's female (although I, personally, wouldn't elect her even if i was old enough; I don't agree with her politics).  Sexism will be gone when the world ends.  In fact, my friend is a boy, and he is the only boy in his reading class.  His teacher, a girl, thinks girls are better than boys, and treats him unfairly.  So sexism actually goes both ways!  I don't believe it'll ever truly end, but hey, maybe it will, I've learned not to trust my judgement.

  19. Equal

  20. yes it is, men and women cook, men and women can vote, men and women can run for president, they both have a job

  21. What country? what topic?

    improved how? lot of things just switched.
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