
Women Are you Attracted to Asian Men?

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By Asian I mean the Chinese/Japanese type, Why/Why not?

I see there are all types of people attracted to other types, but no one seems to be attracted to Asian Men, not even Asian Women really. Sorry for asking, not try to troll, just asking the real questions that other people must be too afraid. I know I can't be the only one who has noticed and wondered about this one.




  1. I don't think that your look or physical appearance matters a lot. I think your personality is the main reason of attraction. The man may be very attractive, but if he is rude, dull and has no sense of talking, and then what will you do?

    The only thing that matters rather you are Asian, European or from any part of the world is your personality.


  2.  not all asian men/guy are unattractive...there are lots of hot,s**y,cute,handsome,tall asian men that i have seen and i fall in love with them!

  3. I have had a crush on this really Cute Asian for a long time now.

    I personally don't think that looks matter. Personality is key. The man may be very attractive, but if he is rude, and a total jerk, who would you rather want to be with? the cute asian who has a great personality, or the hot white guy who is such a jerk and very self obsorbed? 

    Answer that, ladies.  You'll find that Race; does not matter.

  4. @Guest22891899

    You forgot to add "..and oh, of course I'm not a racist, I've piles of non-white friends and that is just the fact you have to deal with. What is good for me and whites, is bad for you ugly creatures you may die in your inferiority complex. And I'm very proud with me and with this fact! ++"

  5. eeeww are you kidding me? I'm not even into asian guys. They are inferior to white men. Most of them are like 4 foot tall and I can beat any asian men and I'm 6'0" white female. Asian men are ugly and will never get girls. Deal with it.

  6. I've always found Asian men to be very attractive, but the ones that I knew were 5'10" at the tallest, and rather slight, and though I'm small (5'5", 110 lbs), I find myself more attracted to really manly men (tall, broad shoulders, strong). So their size was a deterrent for me. 

    In 10th grade I met my current boyfriend of 7 years, and was immediately attracted to him. He's half German, half Taiwanese (grandparents are from Northern China=bigger/taller genes), 6'1", 200 lbs, athletic, gorgeous features, two white forelocks :)...


    Compared to the majority of white men I've met over the years, my boyfriend and other Asian men I've met tend to respect women more, have stronger family values, are hard workers, can be shy (which I find adorable :) ), know more than just English, have a good sense of humor, drink less alcohol, don't smoke, and though I don't know about other men (Asian, white, black, whatever), my boyfriend is well-endowed and fantastic at making me feel loved and satisfied in bed and in our relationship.

    And yes, I have met Asian men who do smoke, drink, or aren't funny, whatever. I'm talking about the majority of them. Plus, Asian children are adorable :D

  7. i am an asian man of chinese descent. i myself dislike my facial features/look. No aesthetic at all. Like a g**k plastic glued by rubber. I wonder what kind of god it is that created me like this and he claimed that he is love. I think that it is only caucasians/whites who are endowed with everything. How can I get a woman if I cannot like my ownself.

    That is the question.

  8. I like asians they are hot and exotic.  I don't fancy whites as much.  They are boring and don't really seem open to expanding their horizons.  There is so much looks can do, but you eventually reach a point in your life where you want something deeper and whites don't offer it for me.

  9.  Asian guys it may be general approach to say all are nice but whether they are or not I could spot one from a mile away. I dont plan to even see one and i just happen to turn my head at the right time and Bam!!! Now I'm not the type of girl to show a guy that i'm "freaking" out over him but really if a cute asian guy is in front of me I'm dying inside to say hi. I don't know what it is but the ones that I have seen seem to have everything I want in a guy personality wise and style wise. Hope to date one but it may be difficult because Blasian love is a Minority. Hey! But that won't stop me! hahah

  10. I have a Korean boyfriend right now and he's the BEST I've ever been with (if you know what I mean) and he's definitely NOT lacking anywhere. So yes, I'm hot for Asian men!

  11. I am totally hot for Asian men. I am currently hot for this Chinese man at work...but he doesn't know it.

  12. hahaha! Asian men are the new attraction, you didn't know? I see it all the time in my city and all my friends, including myself are into asian guys (thanks to hot asian actors) LOL

  13. I am going to keep this short and sweet...h**l YES.
    Long Version. They seem to have all the physical traits I like in a man. ^.^

  14. It fels like most "white men" are all the same to me. I think it is because "asian men" are different from wht i see everyday, and that makes them more attractive. But i love "asian men" both for their good looks and great personalities. Most people here where i live only talk bad about them and also saying they are "weird" and "not appealing at all" - which i respect that they have their own thoughts - but no matter how many "white men" are trying to hit on me i just can't really see them. They all look so casual and boring, they are not very unique. But "asian men" are just the opposite for me, i love their more "femenine" features - it makes them look really hot and s**y. Plus very many are so shy yet so dran charming. Only my opinion guys.

  15. "Plus - a little-known secret: dey ROCK in da sack!! "

    Ha ha, TRUE, that!  At least in this girl's experience with several asian guys.

    Consider the huge population of Asia, and the fact that the Kama Sutra comes from there. :)

  16. Not just yeah, but h**l YEAH!!  I'm a white female who's totally obsessed with Yellow Fever.  

    I love azn guys' dark passionate eyes, golden skin, BRAINS & sense of humor, respect for women and family, work ethic, sense of style/pride in appearance, usually nice lean physique, and patient caring attitude.  Compared with all that, guys of my own race just leave me cold.

    Plus - a little-known secret: dey ROCK in da sack!!

  17. Since the Asian population is relatively small in the U.S., it makes it more difficult to meet Mr. or Ms. Right within the small pool.

    I am very happy to meet my boyfriend, who is also Asian.
    He is faithful, hardworking, humorous, caring, romantic, cute, and s**y!

  18. I can only say wherever I go I seem to be always always attracted to guys with slanted eyes and Asian features (like Chinese, Japanese- somehow Orientals like Arabs, or just black people hold no interest in my eyes in a romantic way).. Don't ask me why!! My eyes only follow them. There can be the most gorgeous looking Caucasian guy next to me, I would appreciate him in an esthetical sense but there is rarely an attraction. What's funny is that I'm myself Caucasian. My choosing is always instinct, I never think about what "race" he might belong to. He doesn't have to be good looking, the personality has to be right with me and somehow be Asian. Got laughted at for my weird preferances. But hey, you can't command attraction after all. Sometimes I wonder if it's genetic....

  19. OMG for some unknown reason I am madly attracted to asian men! I HATE IT I really don't know why I am. >.< I wish that I could notice men of other races but for some reason my eyes only go for asian guys.

  20. never in mi life peeps

  21. I most likely would if i found the right guy/ I say most likely cuz i have a sensitive nose and if they smell wrong they gotta go.  I've dated whites, blacks, and Latino.  But I can't find a guy that's okay with me earning more and wearing the pants (so to speak.  I like being in charge and I'm even willing to divide up what I'm in charge of with someone as long as they're modern minded.  
    And they don't mind that a girl can most likely out lift them....
    I know it sounds like a man but I turn a lot of heads and receive compliments regularly too.

  22. I actually find Asian men to be very attractive, and they are not all short!!! I think they have great personalities and they know how to treat women. Btw I am a white female and if I had a choice between a white guy and an a Asian guy – I definitely would go for the Asian guy – I find myself more physically attracted to them!!!

  23. slanted eyes?  what the f**k ?

  24. to be honest i dont find them attractive at all their qualities i just dont like im srry:(

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