
Women: Do you really like diamonds more than you like dogs?

by  |  earlier

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Man's best friend is the dog, and diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Is this true?




  1. No, i don't care for diamonds all that much, but i love dogs!

  2. personally no way. i mean diamonds are great, but i cant play with a diamond or cuddle with a diamond, it just sits there and looks pretty, so for me personally, i like dogs better than diamonds. in fact i have an english mastiff named delilah whom i love to death! shes way better than any diamonds i could ever have.

  3. I've always preferred cats over dogs, but I've also always preferred opals over diamonds.

  4. My dogs are my best friend! Diamonds are just by the way thingamajigs.....

  5. I like nothing more than my parrot - parrots are the best pets!!!!!!

  6. i prefer cats and amethysts

  7. I'm not fascinated by diamonds.  Sparkly things are cool, sure, but I'll just as happily take a package of glitter or some crumpled up aluminum foil if that's all I'm after.  I'm always afraid of losing stuff with actual diamonds in it, and I can think of so many better things to do with a small pile of money.

    On the other hand, I love my dog -- yay for min pins!  Stuffed animals don't even come close to making a substitute there.

  8. i love my dog more than a diamond. in fact i just told her i loved her and then i saw this question lol

  9. My little min pin snuggling up to me to sleep in my bed is much for fulfilling than a diamond could ever be.

  10. Not at all. If I had the choice I would pick a dog over a diamond any day. As I work all day, it would be irresponsible of me to get a dog. Mind you - I could look after a diamond at work just as well as at home.

    Cats are better than dogs or diamonds anyway!

  11. Think it's a coincidence that David Bowie, in one of his androgynous phases, released an album called "Diamond Dogs"?

    Worlds colliding.

  12. I prefer cats...

    And emeralds.

  13. I don't care much for either.  I'm more of a cat person myself.

  14. a stupid Q seeing that a dog is a living creature diamonds are objects so there is no contest.

  15. Dogs are the coolest thing over I wouldn't think of trading either one of my babies for rocks.

  16. I love my dogs way more than diamonds. They can't love you back!

  17. I wouldn't trade a pet for a diamond, but if you were my significant other and you said "would you like a cat or a diamond bracelet" I'd pick the diamonds!

    Of course it'd have to be a big diamond.  :-)

  18. I love animals way more!

    You should see my Myspace. I have one picture of myself, and 50 of my pets.

  19. ===============================

    >>> Ha ha! "Diamond Dogs"  

    >>>> Good one Huxley!!!


    [[[[ I like Hillary Clinton in her androgynous phase. ]]]

  20. no. i love dogs. but i'd say i love cats more! way more then diamonds!

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