
Women!!! Have you ever been referred to as sloppy seconds?

by  |  earlier

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All the no's how would you know?




  1. Hoy creampies Batman, this question is er mushy...

  2. No. but i've been referred to as soppy and fecund. :)

  3. I certainly have not! :-)

  4. a horrible term. The only way I can see it remotely justifiable is in an instance of a group orgy or something similar to that but still a horrible term.

  5. im furry thirds

  6. If you a hoochie, then yeah. They prolly have. rotfl because all the women that have said no are getting thumbs down! lmao

  7. I know I've referred to some women as sloppy seconds. Its embarassing for both parties I reckon but particularly humiliating if its your friend who picked up your sloppy seconds

  8. Hmmm not in that way...



  9. Not to my face (of course) but I've heard the phrase, usually uttered by pond scum overwhelmed and flabbergasted by such a golden opportunity -

  10. Urggg thats disgusting.

  11. Yes, by my own husband because he was being mean and cruel when we were separated.

  12. Nupe. Not to my face.

  13. No!

  14. no

  15. nope

  16. Probably, but then my friends have had my sloppy seconds too.

    It's more a fact than an insult with us.

    Small town, you know.

    Like the joke goes: In a small town, you don't lose your girlfriend, you just lose your turn.

  17. No, I can't say that I have been...

  18. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no, but i have felt like it at times

  19. Not to my face lol.  But then I have always tried to avoid being in that situation in the first place hehe

  20. I don't date men that use such terminology to refer to women.

  21. I hope not.

    Who knows?..


  22. Not to my knowledge, but one never knows what is said behind her back.

  23. It might have happened; to be honest I wasn't paying attention; be that it may I got on with my life.

    End of story.

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