
Women: How do you feel about Hooters?

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Yes, I am a guy. Just looking for some opinions. =)




  1. It doesn't bother me a bit ; there much more in life than b***s

  2. I didnt think the food was all that great.  Far more expensive than its worth, only because pervs go there for the atmosphere... which by the way I also found uncomfortable.  I dont respect anyone who gets hired for a position based on their looks... and most of those women dont really look all that great anyway... but the fact that they think they do and their looks is why they were hired... having no other skill, I dont respect them.  They arent ladies any more than a f***s throwing chimp is a lady

  3. Trashy. I have no problem with an establishment where men can ogle young women in scanty uniforms...just don't call it a family restaurant.

  4. Just another place where men who like to objectify women can go and see women as nothing more than walking b***s and butts.

  5. 41-Female here.  I don't usually go there.  I couldn't stand to watch my husband (ex now) drool over his chicken wings.  My now husband loves b***s, but hates the fake ones.  He doesn't drool, but I can stare at guys, too.

  6. We all need hooters or we wouldn't be able to sneeze.

    (Americans - Ignore this answer, you wouldn't understand it.)

  7. The women here that don't like Hooters remind me of

  8. For crying out loud, who cares?!?  No one is getting hurt and no one is forced to work there or eat there.  To each their own and everyone else MYOB!

  9. We went to eat there last night before the ballgame. The food is actually very least around here. I probably would not take my children there until they are 14 or so, I consider it a bit PG-13.  But as an adult I have no problem with it.  These girls are not forced into it, they have made the choice(what our fellow women fought for...ability to choose) to work where they work.  Unlike strippers or even prostitutes this girls are doing something (waitressing) they could do at nearly any other restaurant and make similar money.  Unlike the strippers or prostitutes these girls have not gotten into it because the outrageous amounts on money able to be made.

  10. The food is good, but I don't like the atmosphere in the restaurant with the ladys in their outfits and other things.

  11. Never been there. Heard their wings were good. Those women take those jobs willingly, so it's their business. However, I would not bring any impressionable young girls in there. It's hard enough convincing young girls today that they are worth more than their looks, and places like that make it more difficult.

  12. They'll never notice that we don't contribute to their bottom line.

  13. According to Holly Madison it is ALOT harder than it looks. She used to work there.

  14. Yeah, go ahead.....get it off your chest.

    Much better than Hooterville.

    Sam Drucker

  15. I think it's kind of lame, not sure what the appeal is.  I have stereotyped these women horribly and can't get past it.  Can't imagine why any women would actually choose to work there.  But hey, maybe I am jealous with my B cups. (But I don't think so)

    To each their own right?

  16. I have no problem with the women who work there.  Let's face it, s*x sells.  Hooters is a restaurant that's embraced that in a very tacky way, and they even admit that.  It's not a place I'd want to work, mainly for two reasons.  First, I wouldn't want to be a waitress.  Second, I would not feel comfortable in their uniform.

    Most of all, it's not a restaurant I'd willingly go to.  Perhaps it's only my experience with the local one, which is the only branch I've ever been to, but the food is c**p and overpriced.  Also, I find it's very difficult to go there as a woman because I don't have the anatomy that gets the waitresses attention.  When going there with friends, on more than one occasion, I had to complain to management that I couldn't even place my order, let alone get served, simply because I could never get a waitress's attention because they were all catering to the men.  Women tip too, and I made that point clear.  I no longer go there.

  17. hot

  18. Apparently the food is c**p. As for the atmosphere, I find it sad how often businesses use scantily-clad women to attract customers. You'd think by now they'd have come up with something a little less basic.

  19. It's just like any other fast food place, except that there are more men and they tend to be stupider.

  20. Well my husband does not go, so it does not bother me personally.

    If a woman wants to put her body on display and take advantage of the male brain in order to profit financially, that is her business.

    I imagine some women are threatend by hooters girls and afraid that there man will run off with one of them,but the man has to be a cheater in the first place, hooters does not make him cheat.

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