
Women!! How feminine are you really?

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My husband said I'm not the slightest bit feminine..

Heee hee I think that could be because he's scared of me...I look feminine but i'm not a fancy pansy girly girl.

Are you totally feminine or are you a bit rough round the edges like me?




  1. Not very, im a real tomboy.

    I never wear dresses or skirts,or make -up, or high heels.

    I do have long hair though, and i like earrings.

  2. we all have the male side in us. at least the ones with a backbone do

  3. I'm feminine on the inside.

  4. i think i'm not very feminine because i work in a mostly female environment but actually i am quite feminine even if its more subtle than the fake tan and make up overload girls.

  5. I have a c$%t, so I'm pretty d@$n feminine.

    I'm surprised I'd get thumbs down.  Femininity isn't something that can be measured by attitude, personality, likes, dislikes, etc. - especially when those traits can be found it both men & women alike.  I don't see in gender, so ideaologies of 'feminine' & 'masculine' are rather void to me.

    If I were to be stereotypical..I'm quite androgynous & have equal 'masculine' & 'feminine' traits.

  6. Like you, I look feminine but I've never been a girly girl & I can't see me changing my ways now!

  7. i am not feminine atall i only wear tracksuit bottoms never skirts and i hardly ever wear make up

  8. Who said that women have to be "feminine", meaning submissive, coy, superficial, and easily bullied?

    My wife isn't, and that's one of the reasons I am married to her for the last 30 years.

  9. Rough around the edges.  Today I broke two drill bits s******g six holes in metal piping.  It made me cranky.  Thank Gawd for transparent silicone.

  10. I answer to Jake. So I'm a little rough.

  11. I am traditionally feminine.

  12. dress nicer and be a hottie. i mean,'s your own hubby. not merely men on the streets. why not, if for a more colorful marriage? maybe you're expecting that "true love doesn't count outer beauty". well, perhaps it's true though but not until the extend that "I don't know if my wife is actually a woman or just another photocopied version of me". just keep it nice, simple and you don't have to bother about girly, many make-ups, being stupidly submissive ( i don't see that on jolie either!), be dependent or pampered by the pillows and furnitures.

    also you don't have to be manly to be rough, because the term "rough" was meant not just for men, but women too.

    it's good to be rough, but not being egoistic.

    and as for me, I am a bit rough around the edge, i don't wear make-ups, I don't read girly mags, I'm still single and I'm beautiful.

  13. I am a girly girl. I get my nails done, I love to shop, I like to buy pretty panties and bras, I usually don't leave my house without makeup and my hair fixed. I hate to get dirty. I don't like to stay outside for too long because there are too many bugs outside and the heat is too much in summer and I don't like to sweat...unless there is a man involved. So I guess that makes me pretty much a girly girl.

    Edit: I guess personality wise i am not the true girly girl. I am not some submissive robot. I have an opinion and I let people know what it is, even when it isn't what they want to hear. I suppose you could even call me loud, because I don't speak softly and such. Maybe that makes me more of a mix. Girly on the outside and not as much on the inside.

  14. Depends on your definition of "feminine". I'll try and cover some areas:

    -Clothing: very varied style - love dresses, skirts and pants

    -Behaviour (manner of walking, talking, eating, etc) - like to be very feminine in this aspect because I find it elegant and charming - like the old black and white films :)

    -Home decorating tastes: designer - not floral though!! No house full of candles and flowy curtains...guess I'm not that feminine in this area.

    -Looking after myself (health, beauty, etc) - love facials, manicures + pedicures, etc - girly treatment that makes me feel and look great.

  15. I m feminine enough to make men do what I want them to do. To h**l with disillusioned people who need a 'fancy pansy girly girl'.

  16. somewhere in the middle,,,,

  17. i think a mans image of femininity varies from guy to guy. some guys see femininity as a submissive woman who takes orders, whereas others go purely by appearance. i believe i look feminine, but i'm certainly not submissive!

  18. I am a bit feminine like you. I am not a girly girl who cries when my nail breaks or my hair frizzies up. I am tough to handle

  19. feminine with a flare is what i call it

  20. Definitely rough around the edges like yourself. I wear army jackets and Doc Martens a lot, I drink Strongbow rather than the sort of alcopops other girls my age drink, and I despise the colour pink...but I have no problem with not being completely feminine. I'd rather be laughed at for all the above things then go the whole stereotype and live in fear of breaking a nail. =P

  21. i think it's an attractive quality to be aliitle feminine,not overboard though..ditsy..false everything..cant be doing with all that..gotta stella luv..x

  22. a combination of girly-girly and tomboy :)

  23. In general I am not rough around the edges, I would say 90% feminine, 97% if I wear a skirt that day.  I am very petite, have long wavy/curly hair, love to dress nicely, am kind and patient to most people and work with young children on a daily basis, but I am not afraid to get dirty or work hard either.

  24. Hm. I love flowers and baby animals. I wear skirts and dresses and I love strappy shoes. I always have my toenails painted. I have long hair and I like wearing big dangly earrings. I like girly things. I've been told that I even move girly - my sister pees herself when she watches me fish because of the way I cast the line. LOL I don't cuss or spit.

    At the same time, I love getting dirty and playing in the mud with my kids. I like to go for hikes, I downhill ski (I'm fast, too - I can out-ski pretty much every other woman on the hill), and I love a good rough soccer game. I like monster trucks and dirt bike rallies and martial arts and action movies. I have a big streak of stubborn in me, and I can be pretty sassy.

    I think overall I am a feminine woman who just has lots of different interests. A woman doesn't have to be weak, dumb, boring, or a doormat in order to be feminine.

  25. I look totally feminine, but my personality says otherwise. I don't care for traditional definitions of femininity. It's never done a d**n thing for me.

  26. Im not totally feminine either; i dont bother with fake nails or pedicures or anything like that.  I like to have a tan but i dont wear skirts or dresses really.  

    When we were out last he was scared cus i started drinking "his" drink Jack Daniels haha and not wine and cocktails like other girls haha in fact last time i was out with the girls i was drinking pints of cider&blackcurrant! How girly is that hahaha

  27. It depends how you define femininity. I don`t judge myself or others because of their gender, but on far more fundamentally important things (intelligence, personality,sense of humour, sensitivity, etc). I believe human beings are equal, with some showing more stereotypical traits of femininity / masculinity only to bolster that stereotype even more.

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